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Forums Forums Tarot Getting positive cards and negative real life outcomes?

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    Hi all, I’ve been dabbling in tarot for about a year now. Nothing serious and I am still learning. I’ve asked about things I’ve wanted etc and I get really positive cards: The Sun, 10 of Cups, The Lovers, etc.

    Though the real life results usually do not follow the cards! What are your thoughts?

    I asked about a job I really really really really want coming up in the next couple weeks. I just asked “show me the result of me and (the job)” and got Four of Wands, King of Cups, Queen of Cups. I asked is it a yes or no, two cards fell out: The Star and 9 of Pentacles. I’m using the gold foil Gustav Klimt deck.

    Again I’m a novice but I think this is a positive spread??? I’m in my head about it. Maybe I’m just doubting a dream can come true!

    What do you think in these situations/any thoughts on the spread itself?

  • Getting positive cards and negative real life outcomes?

     lavenderlemonade_xx updated 8 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • honorthecrones

    September 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    I would stop asking “If” and start asking “How”

  • orionandhisbelt

    September 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    Personally, I try not to assign “positive” or “negative” connotations to particular cards. I think each card has the potential to highlight something positive or negative or neutral, and in my practice there is no “good” or “bad” inherently associated with a specific card.

    That said, I don’t have specific details on your situation, but your spread seems interesting. The 4 of Wands seems to reference stability, the King of Cups denotes balancing your emotions and your intellect, and the Queen of Cups notes compassion and support. You could interpret this in multiple ways: either you get the job and it brings stability, balance, and support to your life, or you don’t get the job but are able to find stability/balance/support regardless.

    For the yes/no part, I’m very intrigued by the Star coming up. I like to contextualize where in the Fool’s Journey that Major Arcana cards come from, and the Star coming right after the Tower means I always read the Star with the context of the Tower. So this one could be interpreted as a clear yes since the Star can signify renewal, or it could show you where you’re going to end up even if this job isn’t the one for you. The 9 of Pentacles definitely hints at achievement and fulfilling successes, so maybe your hard work throughout the job application will pay off in you receiving an offer. It could also denote that you’ve had success up until this point, so maybe now is time for a bit of a break to celebrate your accomplishments.

    I think your spread has a lot of hopeful meaning built into it. I am sure that you will be okay and that you will find stability and comfort and success regardless of the outcome of this particular job. I think this spread highlights your ambition and how driven you are and how you are worthy of a fulfilling job- and if this isn’t the one, that’s THEIR loss, not yours. In my experience, the cards tend to reflect my internal state, so in your case, I think this spread shows that your strength, hope, and ambition will lead you to ultimate success, even if that success doesn’t look exactly the way you thought it might.

  • DorothyHolder

    September 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    all those really’s is an indication that your optimism is ruling the shuffle and the cards drawn. Good information when reading for self requires a singularly objective discipline. It can be done but it is a trap when self reading and at the same time over invested in the outcome, Indeed outcome readings are problematic to start with.

    Next there aren’t positve cards or negative cards, there is just information, the lovers is a card of choices and developing the skill of making great decisions for ones long term benefit rather than being tempted into a short term fix for emotions or parameters that aren’t future proof.

    The sun can be naivity, innocence (note the baby if using rider waite and i even added a baby in the card in my deck and called it optimism) it can be a card of rose tinted glasses as easily as a card for success. If you know yourself it is easier to see where these cards reflect yourself or an attitude/belief.

    I would forget about yes or no as tarot doesn’t do it and of course adding cards to something you already dont’ understand just adds complications, no insult intended.

    the four of wands with the king of cups suggests ignoring reality a bit, knowing that nothing is in the bag, that four is ‘what’s next’ it has a suggestion of someone paving the way or helping but it is a pause card without clear direction. The king chases what turns him on, and then loses interest when he is over it, also an indistinct energy. I would have said it was unlikely from there. and not drawn any more cards.

    The next question would be ‘what can i do do help me find a job i would be happy with?’ I hope that helps. Questions and how we ask them can be the difference between a great reading and something that is confusing.

  • [deleted]

    September 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    all cards have positive and negative aspects.

    I think as you said its an experience issue due to being new at this. I think your issue is starting with your questions and how you define a reading answer to come about.

    first your asking a double question. Ask one single thing that gives a direct answer. “Show the result of me and the job” is two things. “Will I get job” is a better question.

    Also asking yes or know and then just going by two random cards that fall out isn t helpful. Figure out exactly what your parameter for the yes or no reading is and then directly go with it. Ask a specific question and draw 9 cards and majority upright is a yes for example or use a system that works for you. Two random cards falling isn’t a good way to go about it.

    You need a clear intention before a read. This is a major part of readings people seem to forget. Clear intentions/questions give clear answers.

    I would scrub your whole reading and start again honestly.

  • Zealousideal_One_820

    September 9, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    It could be that you just pulled a few incorrect cards, which happens to every reader no matter the experience level, or that you just have a super positive deck. Its good to learn about your decks’ personalities as some decks lean towards affirming and happier readings while some will always inform you of the negative outcome first. Fate is never set in stone so the personality of the deck affects they way theyre likely to see things. For example with love, two spirits could see the same event and one could frame it as yes youre going to find love just not without a lot of work, while the other could frame it as you arent going to find love anytime soon because chances are so small. Hope that helps

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