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Forums Forums Psychic Have I lost my abilities? How to get them back?

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    When I was a baby a psychic friend of my grandfather told him I have extra sensory abilities and am a psychic.

    At a young age I used to have dreams of future events which I eventually experienced.
    After the dream of the event, days, months, even years could pass but I would eventually experience the dream in real life.
    I used to remember every dream I thought could be from my future with ease when I woke up and when the time came to experience the dream I always knew I had dreamt this and most of the time knew what would follow. I also have a very strong intuition which to this day does not betray me and I have learned not to doubt it.

    Anyway, once I got to highschool I started experimenting with weed after my dear grandma passed away and became a regular user, because it helped me escape from my bad emotions.
    Becoming a regular smoker would eventually lead to me losing the ability to dream altogether and I could never have a dream predicting the future again.
    I was smoking regularly until certain events in my life showed me that I am handycapping myself in many ways by doing so and saw what I am doing from a different perspective which lead to me stopping.

    After I stopped smoking weed I regained my dreams but I have not had a single one that has come true.
    2 years have passed since I am sober and I am afraid I might have lost my abilities.
    I still have a strong intuition, which I use to guide me but no dreams of the future.

    Can I do something to regain back this ability or have I wasted my potential and lost it forever?

    I apologize for the long read, thank you for your time.

  • Have I lost my abilities? How to get them back?

     Geminicer updated 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Lala_land23jk

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Hey so you have not lost them, but they are dormant. At different times in your life, especially when it’s hard, traumatic or self-destructive, they will turn off because you need to focus on what you’re experiencing and learning from that experience, good or bad.

    I would continue to work on yourself (ie. emotional, mental and physical health) and practice grounding, centering and shielding yourself with meditation or some form of meditation that works for you. And things should start happening, but you have to continue to deal with your own trauma, learning to deal with that loss abd the emotions that were suppressed which could also involve supressing your abilities too. Mind you, your intuition is going strong so that’s good, shows you thatvyour abilities are there.

    You could also start to practice them to develop them. There are some psychic development reddit pages that may be useful and there are some books on psychic development if you’re curious (I would ask in the subreddit or in r/psychicdevelopment what others would recommend).

    Also, while we can have dreams about what may happen in the future, it’s also good to remember that the future is not set in stone – it changes. So just keep that in mind as well and hang in there🫂

    Take care🤠

  • Spare-Estate1477

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    That happened to me too. They seem to be coming back since I started meditating again.

  • huntyho

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    I too stopped smoking weed for the same reason of not being able to dream and receive messages.

    Now I can’t say I have as many prophetic dreams as you have growing up but I’ve had a handful and used to be able to see other entities around the house growing up. But now I’m still intuitive and sensitive and can sense when there are other beings around me, but I can no longer see them with my physical eyes anymore.

    My lucid dreaming has come back fully and so has my ability to astral project. Meditating has helped a lot too.

    But I’m barely starting to process and work through my childhood trauma. And actively making sure I calm down my adrenals. —— and I’m seeing my (once thought was forever lost) creativity come back full force. And along with that creativity returning, so are my psychic abilities.

    Maybe address the feelings from when your grandma died and you’ll start to see your abilities slowly return?

    (Funny enough, I too became depressed in 8th grade when my grandmother passed. It was my first close relative death and my creativity was at its peak in 7th grade. Then after her death I wasn’t able to create art even if I wanted to.)

  • drugstore_downer

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    I would think that the abilities will resurface in a different way. I see things in my dreams and they’re kind of open ended at times

  • LifeInTheGrey

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Abilities come and go. They keep on involving. I used to physically see spirits and hear them. It’s a rarity it happens now, and it has to be a powerful spirit to do so. This is common with childhood mediums, though. Almost all communication I have now is in dream state, aka astral and telepathic. They’ll come back when you are ready. The only time i lost my abilities was because i shut them off out of fear as a teenager.

  • AdotKdo7

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    As you can see how quitting weed has regained your dreams, it might be so that you need to quit something else to activate these abilities again. Maybe the situation calls for a more clean diet and habits of living, maybe your body needs more sunlight and or exercise or perhaps your creativity doesn’t have a channel good enough. Our brain chemistry has a big part in how we face our emotional nature and how we face it in turn has a part in developing our psychic abilities. Tune into your hearts frequency and make the journey from your head to your heart by facing reality.

  • Informal_Ad_6268

    September 17, 2023 at 8:15 am

    Probably cause you smoked weed

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