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Forums Forums Tarot Dreaming?

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    I’ve recently started my journey with tarot and before then I’ve never really been someone to remember dreams but ever since I’ve started learning tarot my dreams have become frequent and vivid and usually relate to possible futures.

    I was wondering if this was a common experience? And what does it mean?

  • Dreaming?

    la_sexorcisto updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • rosehip_tea

    February 4, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    I don’t really have an answer either, but I can relate. I received a deck for Christmas and my dreams have been extra vivid and more meaningful.
    As I think about this, I know I always have more dreams during times of emotional reflection, maybe the more readings and time set aside looking inward that happens creates more coherent brain processes in our sleep? Maybe through learning the more conceptual side of tarot we can see them clearer? Magic? No matter what the exact cause, it’s super interesting!

  • la_sexorcisto

    February 4, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    My first thought is that because you’ve opened yourself up to your intuition, you’ve opened yourself up to experiencing it via multiple avenues.. I think it’s a good sign and an indicator that you are raising your vibration 🙂 you might consider writing those dreams down..even if it’s just a bullet point list of the dreams’ highlights. You may start to notice connections or meaning.

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