So i was at work today and i was already having a really rough day. My days have been getting harder and harder to get through because i just have soooo much shit going on with my financials and overall living situation. But anyways, this lady was at least in her 50s, she was really really nice and respectful. She’s not a regular at our store and i have never seen her before. I take her order and everything is all smooth sailing. I completely forget about our interaction but just before she leaves she comes back to the counter with a very disheveled look in her face. She stops me and asks “Do you believe in mediums?” And it took me a minute to understand what she was saying but she repeated herself and from there i understood what she meant. Now don’t get me wrong i am very fond and curious of the spiritual world and i have gotten a paid love reading before some time last year. But i definitely have my doubts about the whole thing. Anyways I told her “Ehhh yes but only sometimes.” She then is like “You have a sister or a daughter? Theres someone younger than you?” From there i froze. I have a younger sister that I look after as my own. I told her “yes, i do actually. I have a little sister” She’s like “Is she like your mini me?” I responded “yes”. She makes a face that scares me a little because she starts whispering to herself as if she’s trying to recall an important message that she had just forgotten and let slip her mind. She then says something about how theres something bad thats going to happen to someone thats really close to her, even close to me. She then says it was my grandma. My heart dropped to my stomach and tears started welling up in my eyes. I held my hand over my mouth as my jaw just dropped. I told her “no dont say that, please dont say that” I have 2 grandmothers. I’m closer to my grandmother on my father side as she is the one that raised me in place of my mother. However she wasn’t the one i was thinking about. My mind instantly thought of my other grandmother. The one on my mother’s of which i am not so close with but still have love for her. Tears started going down my face and she told her to call either of them and kept apologizing to me, from there she just left. Please help me! I am sooo scared and don’t know whether to believe or act on this. What does it mean and is there a time stamp?