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Forums Forums Psychic A psychic could read everyone in the room except me. She was very surprised. Why?

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    My friend’s mother claims she is a healer and a psychic. I think he’s a little embarrassed about it and she never makes a big deal out of it. However we were visiting her one day and the topic came up and after some convincing she agreed to read all of us. She held people’s hands, closed her eyes and proceeded to tell them what she saw and felt. Very colorful, vivid and fantastical things. The reading of my wife was very much on point. However when she took my hands, she sat quietly for a long time and then, quite surprised, told me she could not get anything at all. She said it had never happened in her entire life. So what does that make me? Lol.

  • A psychic could read everyone in the room except me. She was very surprised. Why?

    TundraTaurus updated 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Wanderer701

    February 5, 2021 at 6:03 am

    Whats at play here is your guides or higher self not allowing certain things to be shown. Its a divine law of free will.

  • ConsciousCryptic

    February 5, 2021 at 6:03 am

    Doesn’t make you anything!

    Some of us have very strong protective barriers. This is usually due to our guides protecting us. Not all things can be shown to some in our environment. As well as us choosing if we want to allow access to our energy.

    Psychics and readers are able to read because people allow access to their energy. If someone denies access? It’s just blank.

    This is not a bad thing.

    Edit: note that if you are a healer/light worker it is even more difficult to have access to you. This is for a reason!!!!!!!!!

  • RoughCircumstances

    February 5, 2021 at 6:03 am

    Maybe you’re closed off

  • TundraTaurus

    February 5, 2021 at 6:03 am

    The way I hear it, you may have some potential that you haven’t put to use that is instead going to cloaking yourself. My guess, anyway

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