You are drawn to this message because you have been being called to do something…different.
At first it seemed like a silly thought to brush aside, but Spirit tells me you can’t help but hear that voice deep down that is telling you to take that different path.
Yes, the High Priestess is telling you that you are right about that hunch you have.
That nagging suspicion, that impulse. Humans are the only animal that act against that magic tool living beings are gifted with called *intuition.*
This is not the time to doubt yourself. Spirit says you know what I mean.
Go down that weird road with abandon, and don’t be surprised when you catch a glimpse of the divine light.
Angels, thank you for allowing me to serve.
If you ever need a personal reading, PM me or visit me on [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/shop/fortunetellertarot).