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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing a question to any witch worshipping a deity/ God or goddess/ primordial.

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    How did you become connected to them, and how did learn about them? What are some things you do to thank them or ask for their aid? I’ve been seeing a lot of people on this subreddit talking about what beings they worship, and as a baby witch I want to learn more about my craft and anything around it. And I’m having a hard time finding any information about this stuff online. Mostly asking this out of curiosity, but also hoping to maybe find one that I can connect with or learn more about.

    Also if anyone can recommend any sources for this kind of stuff, that would be really appreciated.

  • a question to any witch worshipping a deity/ God or goddess/ primordial.

  • Expensive_Trouble

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    I found my deities through study. I connect with both Shiva and Ganesha through meditation as for me it’s the easiest way to do so. Usually I’ll offer food or flowers to ask/thank them for their help during ritual. Ganesha in particular really likes home made sweets.

    There are two ways to work with deities. A working relationship or a more worshipful relationship. Now you can do both but you can choose to work with a deity without worshiping them. If you want to get into deity work look into different pantheons and see if anyone catches your eye. If they do, do a deep dive into their mythos and see if their someone you’d want to connect with

  • AutoModerator

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

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  • The-Wren-Bird

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    First things to do I think is to research and read up about the deity you’re thinking of worshipping. Often times they have stories about them and there’s historical texts about holidays they were associated with, things that were offered to them, etc. Assuming you’ve chosen a deity that’s what I’d do and then you can begin worshiping them (prayers, offerings, make an altar, etc) and after a while they may reach out to you. Alternatively you may feel one has reached out to you and then you’ve got to do some work to divine who it is and then act accordingly if you want to worship them/work with them.

    I essentially chose mine and got lucky they reached out. I ask them for strength, clarity, help with big issues, etc. I thank them by worshiping them, giving offerings of incense and foods. And if it feels appropriate I invoke their name when doing spell work (sometimes it’s more appropriate to ask ancestors or house spirits)

  • bloodsucker420

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    i work with horus (also known as heru, hor and har), the egyptian falcon god of the sky.

    i found he was reaching out to me through practicing with energy with my uncle and finding similarities between the two of us. the eye of horus is moon aligned and my uncle found i have more lunar energy connected to me than solar energy. my favorite color is blue and the color that represents horus is blue. so i did some research on him and have a page in my grimoir dedicated to him. i asked my pendulum some questions for confirmation that it was him reaching out to me and it was.

    some offerings ive given him as thanks are pigeon feathers and mandrin orange pieces. as far as asking him for help, i use the pendulum i made for him as well as my tarot cards if theres a question my pendulum cant answer or i need elaboration on a yes or no. i always say thank you at the end of readings.

    if youre curious about which deity might be calling to you or which you want to pick, definitely do resesrch on different pantheons. see who you pull towards. dont rush into it and meditate on it if you need to.

    i know this was a lot but i hope its helpful ^^.

  • cardcaptoreve

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    I worship the Moon, I was always drawn to her beauty before I was pagan. Now I like to pray and meditate while thinking of her. I also observe her cycles when I can and celebrate full and new moons. I don’t have a name or identity associated to her, I see her as a deity of nature and magic. It just felt natural for me to do so, and incorporate the Moon in my practices

  • Unfey

    September 4, 2022 at 3:37 pm

    I really just started worshipping gods that it seemed right to worship. They don’t need to reach out or anything like that. Paganism is a religion like any other– you choose your faith, you choose your path, you choose who you pray to.

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