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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing A spell to help with a broken heart

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    Hey fellow witches, i need some help. I just found out the guy i’ve been in love with for 2 years has been going on dates. And there is a girl he’s into but he still wants to see me. This is a really toxic situation and i’m extremely hurt right now, i need a spell. A spell to help me move on or to manifest a new man into my life. I’m not going to force him and do a spell to make him stay with me. I need a spell to help improve my life. Also some advice from someone who has gone through a terrible heartbreak would help. i feel as witches we jump to punishing the men who hurt us with our magic. But for me, i just want a spell to help me get through this rough period of time. Something to give me hope about the right man coming into my life and for me to get over this hard time in my life.

  • A spell to help with a broken heart

  • yugmisolanki

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    Do let go spells and write a letter to him then burn it

  • RyannLazaro

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    I would meditate at my altar while holding my amethyst. Candles lit. Incense burning. Talking to myself about having permission to let go of pain and to move on.

    I wouldn’t do a full on spell for something like this (and I certainly wouldn’t try to hurt him or feel vengeful-this will only bring harm to you to even with these things) because I think it’s important that you heal in the proper amount of time, growing from this experience, drawing new conclusions, deepening your understanding. Give yourself grace and be gentle. Take care of your body with healthy food and lots of sleep. Some sunlight. And continue to meditate using powerful imagery in your mind to get what you desire.

  • meajora

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    Write your negative feeling on bay leaves and then burn them one at a time. Mediate on what you need to cast out. What needs to leave? Light some black candle to represent that expelling energy. Think of it as a spring cleaning for your heart!

  • obsessedcatldy

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    I’m sorry your heart is hurting. I went through something in March & id been basically playing housewife with someone who told me they never intended on a relationship, which he added he never meant to hurt me(eye roll) and then he moved from California to Texas & I had to meditate through it, my therapist recommended trauma yoga which I’ve yet to try, and I have also been manifesting what I want into my life. I hope you find some peace tonight to lay down and give yourself some love. Remind yourself you are worth so much more, you’re worth someone giving their energy, love & attention to you. Xoxo take care

  • metaphysicalmistress

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    I’m going through a breakup right now and I’ve definitely leaned into spiritual practices. I bought a pink opal generator but I definitely need to make a proper grid to manifest new love (not necessarily romantic, just more self-love and platonic love), emotional healing and confidence.

    I made moon water last week and I’ve been trying to add that to my drinks and stuff to give me some lunar energy—I’m a Cancer stellium so it would absolutely be to my advantage! I also burned some bay leafs with some intents.

    I’ve also been doing less witchy but equally therapeutic work to soothe myself. I’ve been doing some Kristin Neff self-compassion exercises and guided meditations and I highly recommend them. I’ve also been going out on my bike and letting exercise and nature heal me. Reach out to friends and have them help you through this.

  • backaritagain

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    Do a candle and cord cutting spell. Then block him. Do not engage. No texting. No talking. No socials. Just let your energy towards him die.

  • longWitch

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    I know this will sound like a lame response, but self-love is extremely important. The healthiest and best thing you can do for yourself is learn to be happy alone. When you lose a person you have feelings for, I know the first thought is usually to find someone else but if you can learn how to be happy all by yourself, you will be a much stronger person for it.

    When my relationship with a very manipulative person ended, I was a mess. I spent years getting over it, but I did it alone and I feel that I am much more centered with myself and my feelings now. This made my willpower and magic much more powerful, and I’ll never give that much of myself to anyone again. It was only after I become a stronger, self-sufficient person that I met the person I was actually meant to spend the rest of my life with.

  • lemon_balm_squad

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    I really love road-clearing/path-clearing spells in times like these. You don’t need to know exactly what’s at the other end of this path, you just need to ask/visualize/express that the path between you and that other end – happier times, clarity, connection, meaningful relationships of all kinds – be free of obstacles and dedicated to your highest good.

    I find that really vividly imagining a lovely path, feeling all the sensory cues of starting down an unknown but welcoming new trail, it feels like a cleansing and it feels like hope. Good things are coming, and you will be open and alert to the new opportunities coming toward you, and your steps toward them will be confident and positive.

  • Sebas7ian_

    July 6, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    i don’t know if you still need it but here is a simple ritual go to you kitchen grab a frying pan and burnt your tears if you don’t feel like crying you can use an onion to make you cry your gonna realize that soon very soon you gonna smile again

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