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Forums Forums Psychic Accept/deny dreams? Are these psychic dreams?

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    I’ve always been intuitive. I’ve always had interesting dreams. Sometimes I can’t make out if they’re solely a figment of my imagination, or rooted in intuitive ability.

    However recently, I had a dream where a former friend kept calling my phone. My entire dream was just of a phone screen with their number, ‘idk’ as their name although I intuitively knew it was them, and a red and green button, one saying ‘Accept’ the other saying ‘Deny’. I kept hitting deny over and over and over again. And then I woke up. When I woke up, I went on instagram and this person had viewed my story (they hadn’t done this in MONTHS) and I also got a notification that they unfollowed my business page that I didn’t even know they were following. I felt that this dream was an intuitive dream that this individual was trying to make contact with me but I was no longer accepting them into my energy and I telepathically communicated that through the dream, which they felt, and decided to leave me alone altogether.

    Fast forward, me and my bf have been fighting like crazy, toxic abusice everything under the book. His mother just passed away and it’s taken a toll on an already strained relationship. I left and went to stay with friends. My first night on the couch I had a similar dream. A pop up notification with his mother’s first name and the red and green accept or deny buttons. I hesitated for a second, out of fear, but ultimately pressed accept. As soon as I pressed accept I woke up and felt that my forehead was very warm, which was strange because I was freezing (my friends living room heater was off) and the rest of my body was very cold. For a second I thought maybe I had covid or a fever out of sleepy paranoia and I touched my forehead but it didn’t feel like a fever. Honestly, I feel like someone had their hand on my forehead. I went back to sleep and that was that.

    Is this just a figment of my imagination or may I really be communication telepathically with people who mean a lot to me?

    Has any one experienced any sort of dream with this accept/deny thing for contact?? This has only happened to me twice (the mentioned stories).

    The first dream I didn’t care to explore much after it happened but this last one… it’s tugging at me. Any insight?

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