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    I am a new reader, I have only been reading for about 5-6 months. My question is whether or not readings will always resonate as an accurate reader. Because I have done about 60-80 readings since I started my journey, for the most part people say that the reading was spot on but I did have around 4-5 people that told me the reading only half resonates. Is this something that varies from reader to reader? Or will the accuracy of the card increase as a reader becomes more experienced with reading the cards? Or is it actually common for readers to have one or two readings that don’t completely resonate.

  • Accuracy

    MermaidTarot updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • peterblair4u

    February 5, 2021 at 6:12 am

    From my experience, sometimes we don’t see/understand what will happen from a tarot read until it happens

    Other times readings can be about something they do not know of behind the scenes.

    I’ve done readings on myself and found out later what it meant if it didn’t resonate. That plus a couple of people are never open minded and sceptical and will call you out just because it’s what they believe, it happens ????‍♂️

    That’s when grounding helps and keeping memories of the ones that do resonate that you can believe in yourself and “gifts”

  • HouseofNineCups

    February 5, 2021 at 6:12 am

    Gosh. This question has a complex answer.

    First, if you have been reading for 5 to 6 months and performed 60 to 80 readings, and only 4 to 5 people have felt that half of the information resonated, this is a very good batting average.

    It’s important to bear in mind, when most readers begin….the nature of the information they provide is rather non specific and applicable to most people. It’s unintentional- this is just part of the learning process, and we aren’t really even conscious of it. Most of the querents aren’t conscious of it either, because they are looking for confirmation and reassurance- the readings deliver that and, in the sense that they were guided to seek the reading in the first place, it is specific to them. There’s nothing insincere about it. That’s how we grow.

    Some sitters have so much resistance, they don’t want to participate in this process. Sometimes the reader is having an off day. It happens. It’s no one’s fault. This is just the process.

    With time and experience, readings become much more specifically attuned to the querent. You begin to employ your intuition, symbols in the cards leap out to you, you learn about how Tarot relates to astrology, other mystical systems (there’s Hebraic mysticism that has influenced the development of the RWS, for instance), and you begin to instinctually/experientially know which of these elements are relevant to the reading at hand. This greatly improves accuracy.

    That said, there are *always* going to be days where the information just doesn’t fit. Even if it fits for the querent, it may not feel right for you. If it feels right for you, it might not for them.

    Many years ago, my only job for a year was to read for one woman. That was it. I was her personal reader. It was actually fairly exhausting. And many of her readings would draw a blank…for about a week. Until the events would come to pass. They were major events. Because she eventually came to trust the accuracy of my readings so much she actually wanted to move me into her home so she could have constant access to my services. She was a criminal, I should add. But she was a case where she had such huge, significant life events transpiring all the time that I could never see the mundane details that make up most people’s readings and we had to wait a little while. Just a little while because she was total chaos.

  • MermaidTarot

    February 5, 2021 at 6:12 am

    I’m a new reader myself, and I’m always anxious about it being accurate. Then I tell myself – instead of trying to guess the puzzle, just describe what you see. Sometimes I read and I’m thinking – none of this is making sense and I’m possibly going to offend the querent. And then they say “omg, this is exactly what’s going on!”

    Of course, there are times when they say – it makes no sense to them either, and that’s ok too. Could be it’s not meant to be seen now, or perhaps the message got lost in translation.

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