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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Advice about Hallucinations

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    Is there any accurate way to tell the difference between neurological conditions and spirit encounters? I was struggling with psychosis so it was very difficult to tell things apart and some people said I had psychosis but some said a spirit had possessed me? I truly dont know who to believe and what’s makes more sense, the time I had that issue I wasn’t into witchcraft but I did beleive in it
    And I still don’t know what actually happened to me

  • Advice about Hallucinations

  • Tenzky

    July 5, 2021 at 11:00 pm

    Okay I might get myself banned again but if you suffer from condition like that you shouldn’t be practising magick until your symptom are managed. This is not meant to be like gatekeeping but just a good advice. I’ve seen where psychosis mixed up with magick ends up and its not good.

  • shinelime

    July 5, 2021 at 11:00 pm

    I rule out medical issues first as a general rule.

  • nepheri0us

    July 5, 2021 at 11:00 pm

    Honestly, if you struggle with psychosis, err on the side of psychosis. Meaning, until you can discern otherwise through ‘magical fact checking’ when you are in a healthy mindset to do so, assume that it’s a symptom and take care of yourself accordingly.

    I really don’t put much stock in people who immediately jump to “spirits/demons/entity did this horrible thing!” as an explanation for something before they check mundane reasons first. It’s like saying your house is haunted and never checking if there might be carbon monoxide poisoning happening. One of those is deadly, and it isn’t the haunting.

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