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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Advice needed?

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    So yesterday I stopped by my local crystal shop and got around 6, along with a pouch for them. I put them in there with the 2 crystals I already have. My bedstand has a bookshelf in it, so I started setting them there next to my clock. However, before I slept though I out the pouch under my pillow to sleep with. I woke up around 2AM to find them next to my clock. I don’t remember putting them back there for myself for almost 100% certain. Any advice?

    I have raw carnelian, raw rose quartz, black onyx, ametrine, labradorite, rainbow moonstone, opalite and angelite

  • Advice needed?

  • OddityBloggity

    July 4, 2021 at 10:51 pm

    You might have done it in your sleep, or in a state of being half awake. I’ve moved stuff and shut off alarms in that kind of state before.

    That being said, if you haven’t cleansed your new crystals, you might want to do that before attempting this again. Even if you have cleansed them, maybe do it again just to be safe. Also make sure you know which crystals don’t like water, sunlight, salt, etc.; you don’t want to damage them!

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