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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Advice on removing a Trickster spirit from a home

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  • #408120 Reply

    So my friend has a Trickster spirit in their home that is creating problems. We’ve tried banishing it but meither of us are familiar with any more effective rituals. They tried burning sage and trapping the spirit, as well as protection spells, but the protection spell has been the only effective thing so far. Any advice

  • Advice on removing a Trickster spirit from a home

  • The-Wren-Bird

    September 4, 2022 at 12:36 pm

    You could try binding it. Make a sort of doll and then use string or twine or ribbon to physically tie up the doll. Try to force the spirit into the doll before binding it and then bury the doll somewhere off your property. Then cleanse the home and protect.

  • Gildedragon

    September 4, 2022 at 12:36 pm

    If it is a land spirit or house spirit you can’t make it leave, & if you do with it goes the household’s luck & wealth & health.

    Try appeasing it first: bowl of milk (removed before it spurs), scraps of food or candies, incense &c.

  • kai-ote

    September 4, 2022 at 12:36 pm

    Laugh at it. Seriously, Coyote is a trickster God, not some puny little tricksy spirit. Turn the tables on them and laugh at them. They want to see you tricked, surprised, and if they don’t get that, they will quit wasting their time and go look for someone else to be tricksy to.

    Protection work was successful because you are more powerful than them. That is all you need to know to make them go away for good. BB.

    Came back to add this. Trapping would be temporary, and really piss them off. Even a small tricksy spirit can cause mischief if you really push their buttons. Just give them nothing that makes them happy, and they will go look elswhere for their fun.

Reply to: agender_kiddo
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