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Forums Forums Tarot Any Karmic Soulmate readers want to help interpret this spread ?

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    Hello ! First off thank you for clicking to read this . I have myself a karmic relationship…and the karma between us ain’t too pretty ! I haven’t touched any of my decks since Spring 2020 and recently me and an ex lover came back together. I started getting cold feet and wanted to break things off again but something always brings us back together. Its draining for both or us , we are both good people but sometimes we bring out the worst in each other and are complete opposites . But always somehow end up in a passionate fling (since 2017) I have slowly admitted to myself this is karmic and it needs to be healed ! I did a spread ( i will link down below ) on what our bad karma was and its a lot of just selfishness, pain , abandonment all that good stuff (from what I can tell ) I pulled the wheel of fortune , definitely signifying a karmic cycle . I asked how to fix it and got the page of pentacles and the two of cups , almost like an offer to come together…something committed and stable . Not pictured I pulled one last card as an outcome and got 10 of cups , I’m guessing that means that if I follow that plan we will be cool with one another, whether we end up together or not . Is anyone else getting any specific messages from this reading ? I’ll take any advice I can get because I do not want to repeat any of these cycles with them any longer. Not in this life or any after ! Thanks for reading ❤️
    [link to tarot spread](

  • Any Karmic Soulmate readers want to help interpret this spread ?

    SasoAkasuna updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • SasoAkasuna

    February 3, 2021 at 7:36 am

    So like, karmic relationships are meant to teach you a leason, if you dont learn it, then things will just repeat themselves over and over and over again, you mentioned the issues that both of you have, this is something that you need to heal within yourself, and the same for the other person.
    You both need to work individually on your personal flaws in other for this connection to actually work and be somethin positive.

    So like, on the 8 of Cups and the 6 of Swords I can see the whole separation and getting back together cicle you mentioned, the separation is meant to happen, it is meant to help you both have some time to analyze what caused it and how to work on those issues within yourselves.

    Seeing the cards its almost as if you of you IS growing, and hoping that the other person did the same, giving this connection a second chance, while the other (like on the 5 of Cups) is just feeling bad for the situation and themselves but not actually doing anything.
    This is why karmic relationships are a bit hard, you can do your part, but if the other person is just ignoring their own issues then nothing will really change.
    Most likely they will need a bit of a push, some help, like on the 2 of Cups! For things to actually change.

    I hope I made sense and this helps a bit, Im a bit sleepy so sorry if I rambled a bit!
    Wish you the best luck!

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