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Forums Forums Mediums Anyone? Please & thank you!

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    So, when i was 17, i went through a tremendous amount of trauma & things that no 17 year old should have to. I was left with lots of unanswered questions, and no closure. i have always had the utmost respect for mediums, & the work they do for people that have experienced the things i have. i have tried for so long to come across a medium, that wasn’t a scam, and wouldn’t charge me an arm and a leg for just one reading in hopes of getting the closure i definitely need. I’m 23 now, and still have had no luck in a quest for a medium to give me some type of closure.
    with that being said, i was hoping someone would be drawn to my post, & somehow be attracted to helping me with a reading. the people/persons in question to my closure are both very spunky, outgoing, and very opinionated, so i hope they can jump out at you to help me.
    I would really rather not have to pay an outrageous amount, but i do have $2 on my cashapp card, lol.
    thank you in advance, just someone taking the time to read this is much, much appreciated.

  • Anyone? Please & thank you!

    TheSaltyTarot updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • TheSaltyTarot

    January 29, 2021 at 11:16 am

    It would seem that there’s a lot of room between “an outrageous amount” and $2 on an app that not everyone has.

Reply to: Arianna
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