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Forums Forums Mediums Are spirits able to do physical things?

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    My grandpa passed away almost 2 years ago and my mom told me this story of how last summer she was driving down the road and her tire like gave out completely (not sure exactly what happened) causing her to absolutely need to pull her car over and get it towed. I think the tire fell off but it could have been a blow out. She got it towed and it was kinda on its last leg anyway, aside from just the tire the mechanic found other issues too. He told her how lucky she was if she had driven it any further it would have caught on fire. My mom 100 percent believes it was my grandpa saving her that night. I believe it to but I’m just curious how do spirits do this?

  • Are spirits able to do physical things?

    Suitable_Self_9363 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • Wanderer701

    February 13, 2021 at 12:27 am

    The physical world is a manifestation of the metaphysical, the physical world or space/time behaves with the proper configuration of the metaphysical or time/space.

    Between these two worlds the spirit moves. It can interact with the self as much as the self allows it.

  • builtbybama_rolltide

    February 13, 2021 at 12:27 am

    When my son was little, he had a severe infection that lead to pneumonia and he has asthma. I woke up hearing my grandma telling me to go check the baby NOW! My granny raised me and died 9 years prior to my son being born. She told me before she died that she would always be around and once I had children she was going to be there to care for them and watch them grow up. Well it’s a good thing I checked on him when I heard her tell me to. He was barely breathing, by the time I got to the hospital a mile and a half away, he had coded. It took 3 minutes to restart his little heart. The doctor told me they doubted he was going to make it through the night. He was 11 months old. January 23rd he will be 14 and he’s a healthy, happy and strong little man. There’s no doubt my grandmother came to save him. So I believe that yea they can come back and intervene to help us

  • Suitable_Self_9363

    February 13, 2021 at 12:27 am

    No. There’s no such thing.

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