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Forums Forums Psychic Autistic Children

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    For background, my grandmother passed this past winter. My daughter never had a chance to meet her in person. We have a picture of my grandmother in a sitting room near the front of the house where no one really hangs out.

    Daughter (4) is nonverbal autistic. The last month or so, before bed she will say goodnight to my mom by going in to give her a hug and bow her head for a kiss, she then beelines it to the sitting room and does the same thing to the couch there. Doesn’t jump on the couch, just leans forward like she’s getting a kiss. She then looks at the photo of my grandma and happily goes to bed.

    She obviously can’t tell me what’s going on but what should I do?! Do autistic children “see” more than usual? Would you be nervous. Has anyone else experienced this, if so how do you react. My husband who is a major sceptic is slowly getting spooked.

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