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Forums Forums Astrology Being a Pisces is a rollercoaster

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    Anytime I’m on social media I see folks bashing Pisces. I think in general most of us share a few general traits like intense , love, and loyalty. But when we get a bad feeling or suspicious we can turn into demons to get back at someone if we feel wronged. I know we don’t all fall under the same umbrella. In the end it just comes down to the type of man or woman you’re dealing with regardless of their zodiac though I think it plays a big part. What are your thoughts?

  • Being a Pisces is a rollercoaster

    Klaudiapotter updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • Perihelion6

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    I actually really like Pisces. Their selflessness and vulnerability can actually be a really big strength if they are coupled with maturity. They are probably the sign most likely to be kind for kindness’ sake, which is always needed in the world, especially these days. It’s a shame I think a lot of energy is taken as weakness which isn’t really true (it can be, but not always).

    To me personally, I feel like a strong Pisces can be more like a whale – huge in its gentleness and compassion and spirituality – than just a fish. A whale is gentle but also can easily kill you if it really wanted to with just a flick of its tail or flipper- and yet they are strong enough to take relentless attacks from boat blades and harpoons, and they bear those scars sometimes, while often moving on in their lives gracefully. If you think about it, since Jupiter traditionally ruled Pisces, the expansive nature of Jupiter lends well to the ‘whale’ imagery as well. Ironically, the constellation Cetus the whale is right next to Pisces in the sky, so I think there’s a tie there.

  • turtlepie90

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    As a Pisces, I always felt like I carried deeper emotions and thoughts than those around me. I’ve felt that no one really understands the depth of my love, happiness, sadness, anger etc. it definitely seems more intense than others and I wish I could just not feel at times. When I love, I love hard. When I care, I care a lot.

  • loves_spain

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    My husband is a pisces and I’m a capricorn. We complement each other where the other is weak. Like you’d be better off petting a porcupine than asking me to open up emotionally but he does…and doesn’t judge me.

    Also you fishies have the dreamiest eyes…/swoooon

  • velvetvagine

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    I am wary of Pisces but also aware that it has to do with my bad luck & the specific Pisces that have come into my life.

    There’s a place for every energy. I think Pisces can have a hard time expressing their better qualities and easily succumb to despair, martyrdom and negative thinking. This is just a symptom of swimming in the ocean of feelings, and Pisces has to learn to fight the strong current sometimes rather than go along with it.

    That said, I do admire their artistic skills and sensibilities. And they have an uncanny ability to intuitively read people; I’ve been surprised many times by how accurately they can predict someone’s character. Lastly, they’re generally a lot smarter than they like to let others assume lol. Quite cunning imo.

  • SomeArcher77

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am


  • StellaGraphia

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    Astro-bullying is rampant. And all signs, every single one, has better and worse expressions. Just like humans. Oh right, they ARE humans. :/

  • Klaudiapotter

    February 9, 2021 at 9:45 am

    People always want someone to criticize and we’re an easy target because we’re unassuming and generally pretty passive.

    I have a Pisces stellium, so I’m kind of biased lol.

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