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Forums Forums Psychic ¿Can my spirit guide be a demon?

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    Hi can someone help me? I am very new to meditation and so, last night while meditating I asked to meet my spirit guide and I saw the silhouette of a woman and when I asked for her name I heard lilith im a little confused and concerned if it means lilith the demon ¿can this be possible or am i doing it wrong? thanks for your help.

  • ¿Can my spirit guide be a demon?

    starsabove8547 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • oyisagoodboy

    February 5, 2021 at 10:51 am

    I just joined the group. People don’t seem to like to answer. Go to Google. And Lilith is not a demon. She was Adam’s first wife if you believe in Christian things.

  • oyisagoodboy

    February 5, 2021 at 10:51 am

    How long have you been meditating? How long have you been trying to open yourself to the other side or is it something you wanted to try? If you have no background I would be afraid.

  • FlowerChildGoddess

    February 5, 2021 at 10:51 am

    I would say, you should meditate on the energy this presence solicits to you. Is it calming? Does it feel mischievous? Does it feel distrusting? Do you feel fear?

    The energy you feel will be a good indication of what you’re dealing with. But to answer your overall answer, no. Your spirit guide can never be a demon. A demon can deceive you and pretend it means you well though.

    If you’re not very spiritually grounded and enlightened, you can be very easily manipulated. So it’s very important to research grounding and protecting techniques. I’m not a medium, and tbh I don’t believe in ghost. I believe demons take the image of spirits—good and bad.

    With that said, visit the r/mediums page and they may have some solutions to help you practice grounding and protection. You seem to have a gift of sight.

  • starsabove8547

    February 5, 2021 at 10:51 am

    No, demons pretend to be spirit guides. They can not be spirit guides.

    If you would like to understand more about the spiritual dimension. Please go here : [](

    If I may share my opinion : Please do not try to meet anything while meditating because of high likelyhood of meeting something negative.

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