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Forums Forums Astrology Can water Sun sign override Fire rising and moon?

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    I feel like my personality is WAY too shy/introverted considering I have a Leo rising and Sag moon. Sun is Pisces. I feel like I had a lot of awful experiences in childhood that made me shut off people from my life almost entirely and my personality might be way different and more extroverted today had they not happened…. or maybe not? Does my Pisces sun override the exuberance of my fire rising/moon? I don’t like how isolated and shy I feel.

  • Can water Sun sign override Fire rising and moon?

    amiora updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • Subpar_Actuator86

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    it could have to do with how other planets are aspecting them in the chart, along with the houses they’re in. not all placements are going to present the same for everyone.


    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Maybe your expectation of what it means to be a sag moon and Leo rising is off? I experience sag moons as, “It’s not that deep.” Good at seeing a situation, receiving critique, or having a disagreement and not taking it too seriously/personally. Do you resonate with that at all?

  • CappyCapMan

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    I don’t know if you prefer Placidus or Whole houses – or how does your char look like as a whole, but according to whole houses, your chart ruler *Sun* is in Pisces in 8th house.

    You might want to read about it. Overriding is not a thing, but perhaps your shyness and introversion is coming from there.

  • FocusPositive4894

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Circumstances in life would cause you to be instinctive and guarded. The challenge is to integrate how you show up to the world ( admittedly you can walk into a room and all eyes are on you) with the inner you, which is soulful and deeply introspective. You would make a great healer through your presence with children and they would trust you. You will need time alone on a regular basis to recharge your battery, as you can become drained by your interactions. Keep shining your light 🙂 -Gaborieaux

  • kienarra

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    I am a sag moon and an introvert. I’m double air (libra sun, Aquarius rising) so it’s definitely gonna come across different for me than it would for you. Also pay attention to what houses they’re in. My moon is in the 11th house, and I feel my sag moon as a yearning for exploration and connection to different cultures and people. My Aquarius and sag combined are sort of a need for change, for seeing the extravagance and adventure in life. My libra sun is fighting the tie to other people. My sister is Leo rising, and I think of it as her coming across as life of the party and center stage when she wants to be. It might also come across as a strong ego and somewhat selfishness. Her moon is Aquarius, so that adds to a detachment from others, but her sun is Pisces which gives her more emotions than I could imagine. The signs play with each other in unique ways.

    Also, a way I’ve heard it explained, is that your chart is your nature. You can change your nature simply by understanding it. Knowing the negative traits of a sign can make you more aware of things you may need to change. A toxic Leo can be egotistical, a pathological liar, feigning self-love when they hate themselves more than anyone, narcissistic, stuck in their own plight. A powerful Leo is charismatic, self-confident while being aware of their influence on others, life of the party, etc.

  • realestatethecat

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    My daughter is an Aries moon and Leo rising with Scorpio sun so similar dynamics. When she is comfortable with ppl her more outgoing flamboyant self comes out, but she takes awhile to get comfortable with people. She hates being center of attention but somehow always seems to be which is an interesting Leo rising trait. It’s not about the desire to be in the spotlight, but just naturally getting it on you whether you want it or not. I’ve never seen much like it- she did theater and always got picked for the best parts, even when the competition was fierce and she wasn’t objectively better than the rest.

    She had a reputation in grade school of being leader of the mean girls with not much to back it up other than other people’s perception of her as blonde and acted confident. Often it would be other girls starting things and people just assuming it was her, then the truth would come out. It was the weirdest thing. It feels like classic Leo rising

  • Revolutionary-Suit42

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Scorpio Sun, Aries Rising

    I’m not shy at all. At social gatherings, I go around talking to everybody.

  • amiora

    February 24, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Where’s your mercury and what are its aspects? I often feel like people’s mercury is their most obvious placement. Also your Leo rising is ruled by your Pisces sun giving it more strength

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