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Forums Forums Mediums Can you smell death? if so, how does it smell to you?

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    Years ago, my Grandad was dying of cancer. I went to visit him twice before he died, the first time was a few weeks before he passed. When I went to see him, I smelt something so strong (quite foul) coming from him which I have never smelt before. No one else made any comments and I kept this to myself and never mentioned it to anyone.

    Anyway, he passed and a day later I went to visit a lady. She picked up on my grandad instantly and was communicating with him. She said he was laughing and he wanted to tell me something. She asked if when I went to visit him, if I could smell something quite bad. I said yes! what was that!? She said he was laughing because he thought I thought he 'let one rip' as he would say 🙂 but she told me I actually smelt death coming.

    Several months later, I was with my bf at the time visiting his grandma in hospital. There it was again, the strong foul smell. I kept this to myself but I immediately thought of what my kind lady told me. His grandma passed away a month or so later

Reply to: No_Principle_7286
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