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Forums Forums Mediums Can’t Think of a Title, Sorry for the Long Post

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    Hi, don’t know how to go about this really. But mostly just curious about what my dreams could mean. I used to have dreams that would basically in a way involve water and being in harsh environments. Like most of the time it would take place on a beach, wasn’t a fun experience at all, at first it would seem normal but then all of a sudden the waves would go high up like 30+ feet and then crash down every 5 minutes and would overtake you if you didn’t run fast enough while the wave was forming. And I would here and there just have fun with it until eventually I got consumed by the giant wave wall but somehow made it out and then wake up. Other beaches in my dreams had the same scenario but would involve harmful fish and sea urchins galore sometimes.

    One time I was on a boat in a swamp like environment and could not get along with anyone there and got kicked off and had to go into the water and all of a sudden alligators were in the water with me and I was swimming away aiming for this tiny bit of land so that they don’t get a hold of me and managed to survive. And then one other dream involved me and a group of people that I knew going on some form of trek in a canyon like environment qnd always had to be cautious because most things around us were harmful and eventually we ended up on a river that led to waterfall and for some odd reason we had to go down it and it was rough to the point I almost drowned. Eventually we make it out alright and continue walking, along the way were these tiny little ponds that would suck you in and drown you if you went to a certain point in the water so that was fun. Finally near the end of my dream we end up in a marsh environment, later on we have to deal with alligators trying to tip our little boats thats when I wake up from that dream.

    Sometimes I also dream of end of the world like scenarios only ones that stand out to me are the times I dreamt of the world being on fire and running and hiding from what seem like to be hell hounds. Or where everyone is under forced conscription worldwide and fight each other but somehow managing to escape that and end up at what seems to be a house that belongs to my family and hiding there, which leads to my mom saying look and oh my god and seeing what appears to be thousands of soldiers coming upon us. And two dreams where there is a known time limit until the world ends which is in 3 to 5 days the world will end and everybody keeps traveling further east because each day that goes by disaster strikes in multiple countries and everyone wants to just survive and be in peace eventually on the last day there’s only a few hours left, we all just stay outside enjoying our last moments before a meteor strikes us.

    Some dreams are not the end of the world necessarily but uncomfortable. Like this specific moment where my family is hanging out together at this shack style restaurant and I look up to the sky and see that the moon is replaced with Uranus and has the rings of Saturn around it and the earth just starts shaking and feel jolting movements also. Another one is where every 2 hours for 10 minutes straight the sky goes from clear blue to a flashing red sky with what look like glass or crystal shards appearing at the same time they don’t fall down to the ground or anything really they are just still in the sky kind of hard to describe. The most interesting one for me though, is this island place split into two, one medium sized the other small enough to just hold a group of 20 on it with huge icebergs in between even tho we weren’t in the arctic. And it was just a party place which also happened to have people that actually live there it seemed but the drawback was every 20 to 30 minutes there would be severe winds and tornadoes that were big enough to damage little buildings here and there but not serious enough where you had to be inside a basement or bunker or anything like that really you just had to be aware and be out of the way.

    One last thing I would like to mention is for when I get attacked while I’m asleep. Basically what is considered sleep paralysis. I sometimes end up in homes or outside and its night time in these scenarios, I start feeling dark energy and vary uncomfortable and I do notice what is about to happen and realize the situation that will occur. Then I start feeling paralyzed and can’t move at all, having to fight through it trying to speak or move. Lately I’m able to break out by moving my body. These dreams don’t occur often fortunately, but lately they can get intense to the point where I could actually feel a physical body touching me which I’ve never felt before but I still manage to break out. This level of intensity didn’t start happening until I started pursuing Judaism and still am granted not putting as much effort into my religious studies like I should be. For some odd reason I’m having difficulty giving my all in this pursuit but feel like something is holding me back from doing so. Every time I bring up Judaism with my father things take a drastic turn and we will start arguing over nothing or I just get attacked while I’m sleeping. If I don’t mention it everything is fine which is weird to me.

    Lately I will also wake up in the middle of the night feeling an intense sensation on either side of my face, mostly on my right side, like someone slapped my face pretty hard. It freaks me out but I push it to the side because its not worth focusing on. Had a dream once last year that me and my dad were fighting what I assume to be demons or evil spirits or people cloaking themselves with such energy in an apartment sort if similar to the one one me and my dad current live in and that occurred in the dream while it was still sunny outside. There were only 4 to 6 of them maybe 3 I can’t remember. Didn’t have these intense dreams until I got sick in March of 2019 and got stuck with a vestibular (Vertigo ) disorder and the Vertigo was at an awful level at first and didn’t have and still don’t have at a level where the world is spinning for which I am very grateful but it sucked initially until I saw the doctor and got medication for it which helps me these days feel as close as I possibly can to a normal person. So I am at a comfortable level with this disorder. But yeah thats when things like I said started getting more intense for me overall.

    Sorry for the long post, was just curious if anyone else dreams/experiences similar things and just felt this is the right place to post this.

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