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Forums Forums Astrology Degrees in astrology

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    I’m recently aware of the fact that the planetary degrees play a major role for interpreting a chart. But, I can’t seem to find any proper sources which explains each degree and it’s significations in depth. Can anyone suggest or share any such materials so I can get to know more about it?

  • Degrees in astrology

    ScarletSpadeCards updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Howl_Wilder

    February 6, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    My introduction with degrees started with the critical ones. Just type up critical degrees and fall down the rabbit hole from there. Each sign has a critical degree that means they attract or experience certain issues throughout their life. It can also indicate medical issues as well, based off of sign and planet.

  • ScarletSpadeCards

    February 6, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    There are a couple different ways to view this:

    1) There are fixed stars at specific degrees that can affect planets or houses in a chart. For example I have my Pluto near the fixed star Regulus, which is the red heart of Leo the Lion.

    2) During the last century, Marc Edmund Jones worked with a psychic and came up with a system called the Sabian Symbols. It has an image or symbol for every degree of the zodiac. For example, the symbol for the Sun on inauguration day this past week, is *An old Adobe mission.* The explanation is an everlasting sustainment, and the stability of solid structures from the past.

    There are other ways to look at degrees but those are two of the biggest. Hope it helps.

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