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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Devoting yourself to and/or worshipping elementals?

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    I have worked with deities plenty over the years but it’s always been more collaboration than worshipping/serving them. I have always felt that I am meant to serve something older than the gods; i.e., the elements and the beings that live within the elements.

    I already live as ecologically responsible as I can manage (and still try to do better anyway). I’d like to expand on this belief of mine but not sure how exactly to go about it in a metaphysical way. I’m looking for BEYOND earth witch/green witch stuff. I’d like to know more about the Elementals as beings and how one would serve them like one would serve a deity (e.g, Thor or Hecate).

    I’m wondering if anyone else here has similar leanings and if you might be willing to share your insights or some of the things you do to practice your beliefs.


  • Devoting yourself to and/or worshipping elementals?

    Tenzky updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 0ne1nTheChamber

    June 17, 2021 at 5:10 pm

    Simple; since you obviously know how to worship deities, you know what they like as offerings and such.
    Why not look into the same thing for elementals? Surely won’t be too difficult to find out and if it is, there is no harm in exploring ways using different methods for yourself!

  • Tenzky

    June 17, 2021 at 5:10 pm

    I just want to point out that some deities are older than elements and elementals.

    If you want to devote yourself to elements why not worship their leaders four elemental kings Ghob, Nicksa, Paralda, Djin.

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