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    Greetings fellow practitioners, quick question about how everyone actually draws the cards for a reading? I’ve done some searching on the topic and haven’t found much clarity.

    – Initially, I’ve been shuffling and then spreading the cards out in a straight row, like a Las Vegas card dealer and then letting my intuition divine where to draw the cards from.

    – I’ve also tried closing my eyes and having my “tarotee” say stop when I shuffle in my hand and set the card down from the deck.

    – Occasionally, I draw from the top of the deck as the last card for context but I’ve found it’s less accurate that way.

    Wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks for drawing, or ways that have been successful.

  • Drawing Techniques

    KyleOfCups updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • Artemystica

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    It depends on the size of the cards. My deck is too big for my hands, so I shuffle in pieces, making sure to mix up the sections as I go. I spread them out like a rainbow and then just pick from there. I just like the way the arc of the cards looks over a spread when I photograph the spread for a client.

    I don’t think there’s any magic or more or less accuracy with any shuffling method (in that the cards drawn when shuffled one way somehow apply more than cards drawn when shuffled another way). All cards can apply to somebody’s life if we try hard enough. It’s the reader that does the mental gymnastics to make it “accurate.”

  • plantthey

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    i’ve always just shuffled with my eyes closed and waited for a few cards to fall out, but for longer and more detailed readings i draw from the top of the deck. it’s up to you about what method feels right though, since the right cards are gonna show themselves one way or another

  • goat-on-a-string

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    I find the key is consistency. Decide on what makes sense and “train” your subconscious/the spirits/guides/whatever you think determines what cards comes up how you’re expecting things to work. I personally don’t have the patience for spreading the cards out (plus it feels like they get more wear and tear that way). My method is:

    * hold the deck, get centered, ask for guidance etc
    * riffle shuffle at least 3 times for randomization
    * overhand shuffle while asking the question
    * when the deck feels ready – cut once, deal from the top, that’s it!

  • Mr_Liscino

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    Always shuffle 7 times before I ask a question, shuffle 7 once I have asked and pull 6 cards in so that the 7th is the 1st card pulled, however sometime I’ll ask for a number but usually it is seven.

  • hun_and_moon

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    I’ve been reading for a long time, over 20 years ago and it took most of that time to fine a consistent way for me to be able to read for myself and other people. I take jumpers now but there are occasions when spirit will direct me to do it differently, or sometimes a singular card will vibrate – I can’t think of a better word – and I can feel it as I shuffle.
    Horses for courses isn’t it? No one method is right or wrong.

  • KyleOfCups

    February 1, 2021 at 6:45 am

    There are so many ways and styles to draw cards. I personally only read jumpers. It’s a natural shuffle that came to me. You can try different ways until one feels right. Over time you’ll develop your own special nuances ❤️

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