Tw: blood, surgery, dying.*
《If someone has a moment, can you please read this? Especially if you have dreamed about dying before, or even if you had a near death experience, thank you in advance-and I look forward to receiving any sort of feedback》•My dream starts off with me and my mother sitting in a room, talking on the bed. I then fall off the bed and get some sort of head injury. I begin screaming for my mom, but she walks away to get someone else. I then starting puking this clear liquid, that was causing me issues to breath. She comes back and say "just breathe" then she gets on the phone to call my grandma and uncle to give us a ride to the hospital. Well they started arguing, then my mom gets mad and says forget it she's not going to help. I then remember trying to stumble out of the room- but I was unable to see properly. Like my vision was of me in some sort of dark hallway with multiple doors and stairs. I was still calling out to my mom with no help or answer. Somehow I make it outside and cops appear, and so does my mom . At this time, she appears concerned talking about "someone help her , my baby" It changed to me in the hospital, in a surgery room. I was awake, and the doctor put some sort of iv into my side/abdominal area. I remember that my brain had a infection, and they was trying to pump antibiotics directly into my stomach.
Then very vividly-like this felt so real. I started puking, and choking on my own blood. I remember in the dream I felt very fearful but I was trying to stay calm and breath. Like, I felt my "light" fading out. I really felt death creep up, slowly. I had enough time to acknowledge the fact that I was dying, and to be scared. Briefly I tried to fight it, then I accepted-even said a small prayer to God something like "Forgive me father, and if this is my time I accept this. Take me" once that was said I "fell unconscious" in my dream and saw some sort of light. A beautiful welcoming light, i felt a sense of peace, love and longing. Like I really wanted to go, fully ready to set life aside and move on to the light. Once my "soul" begin leaving from my body, the dream ended and I woke up. I was very confused, and sad that I was not able to reach the light. Like my first thought was "I wanted to go"I'm not really sure the meaning or message of this dream,but I cannot emphasize enough on how real everything felt. When I was choking I really felt like I was losing my breath. When I was "dying" – I really believe I felt the presence of Death itself. Seriously, I woke up sad that I didn't die for real? How strange is that?
Anyway, thank you for taking your time reading this. If you have any insights, or interpretations please leave a comment. I'd love to see how other people see the meaning behind this, or have experienced something similar.