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Forums Forums Astrology Drop your zodiac poetry in the comments!!!

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    Drop your zodiac poetry in the comments!!!

  • Drop your zodiac poetry in the comments!!!

    Comfortable_Ad_7246 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • pisceanDreams16

    February 5, 2021 at 8:25 am


    Aries:The fire inside you burns with intensity fuelled by passion & creativity.Embrace this heat for it keeps you alive. From the burnt out ashes let the Phoenix rise.

    Taurus: The walking contradiction; Modern lady with that vintage love, and innocence veiling the amorous soul. But never mess with this Gaea, for, she’s stubborn.

    Gemini: You are the air that I take, the vortex that suffocate. Her wild heart possess passion and destruction and I can’t help but to crave your chaos.

    Cancer: Sweet moon child, mending her calloused heart. Swaying with lilies and Dreaming under willows, phantom wakes her up.

    Leo: Conqueror of hearts, queen of sass. Her confidence scares weak mass.You my Hemera, constantly illuminating the glooms away!

    Virgo: Galaxies in her eyes;Libraries in her mind. A maiden tamed by logic, tracing symmetries between pristine and sin.

    Libra: Oh! The balanced one, A light, warm zephyr but a hurricane when provoked. The classy Venusian flirting with her sins.

    Scorpio: The fallen angel with hypnotic gaze filled with treasured fantasies, but who knows the keys? A matte black soul with hints of gold.

    Sagittarius: The restless voyager trying to shoot arrows across the sky mesh,Living life to the fullest is their only wish.

    Capricorn: Her soul’s a cemetery filled with demons buried by her bravery.

    Aquarius: Eccentric bolts midst of hurricanes.A paradox of extreme, it’s okay to condense and vent it down for me.

    Pisces: Gills filtering out the truth, she believes and she dreams;Poor soul doesn’t know that she’s deceived.

    ~by a pisces:)

  • [deleted]

    February 5, 2021 at 8:25 am


  • Comfortable_Ad_7246

    February 5, 2021 at 8:25 am

    Roses are red violets are blue, you’re not a Scorpio so I don’t fuck with you.

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