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Forums Forums Psychic Every psychic is giving me the same answer…

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    Okay, not sure if this is the right place to post this but here it goes. Since breaking up with my ex about a month ago, I’ve made many, many calls to psychics on Kasamba and Psychic source. I’ve spoken with many different advisors and they all tell me the same thing – she’ll be back. Here’s where the info is conflicting- some say she’ll be back and things are repairable where others say she’ll be back but things aren’t going to change. Initially, my intuition was telling me this relationship wasn’t over and I felt like she’d be back. However, I refuse to wait around even if everyone is telling me she’ll be back.
    So my question is this- just because they all say she’ll return, is this something I should believe? isn’t free will involved? And why is it that some advisors have a more positive/forgiving opinion on the outcome versus others who label it as not worth it? Hope this makes sense.

  • Every psychic is giving me the same answer…

    Swing-Away updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • SaresTarot

    February 5, 2021 at 8:12 am

    You have the free will what you want to believe. At the end that’s what matters. Yes free will does involved, That’s why it can take 1 month or 1 year for a person to return, if they mean to be in your live. When something is supposed to happen it will happen, there’s no power higher than the power of the Divine- God- Angel – universe – what ever the label may be. One person can use their free will to stay in their ego for 10 years if they want to – but when it’s the time, even their ego will melt and the free will can change.

    Just like your involved whether you want to believe will have ripple effect so does your person free will. This may delay things like the union, not entirely omitting / cancel things if it’s something to happen

  • FlowerChildGoddess

    February 5, 2021 at 8:12 am

    Because some readers give their opinion, rather than just sticking with sharing what they sense intuitively. That’s the human in them. I’m not saying anyone is lying, but I really hate when readers impose their opinion or grant unsolicited advice on a situation. It’s not about the reader, it should be a message solely from the divine.

    Another thing, you say you won’t sit around and wait for her, but by your own admission, you have been doing that. I’m not judging cuz, we are all more or less doing or have done what you’re doing—getting multiple readings from readers. But this action is the exact opposite of moving on with your life.

    Lastly, it’s possible the outcome is a bit of both. She’ll be back, and in the beginning you both will seem to have an improvement in your interactions, but ultimately, things will still end up where they did last time.

  • kTdNu

    February 5, 2021 at 8:12 am

    Sounds like maybe the outcome is in your hands

  • nmc7533

    February 5, 2021 at 8:12 am

    I’m getting the same thing.

  • Swing-Away

    February 5, 2021 at 8:12 am

    I’m in the same boat, so I can relate.

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