Going through hardship venting reaching out for support.
Hi witches, I feel like you guys are the only people that would understand. My last two weeks consisted of many hospital visits, worry, and just absolute havoc on my life.
Before all of this hardship struck me, I bought the most beautiful 28 inch 19lb/18000g quarts point obelisk. The crystal broke in half and then some shortly after arriving to my home. I am very worried and honestly distraught, as i did not have extra funds for this and impulse bought it in the name of happiness and something to look forward to. So now I have a giant broken quartz that I have no idea what to do with. I bought it because it was a standing crystal. This happening on top of losing pets and my childhood home has been too much to bear. If you were me, what would you do with this giant crystal? I am at a loss, and unable to talk about my hardships due to coven rules, please be nice.