Hi! I'm new to tarot and did my first reading with the Rider-Waite tarot deck. I asked for clarity regarding a situationship that I recently ended a couple months ago. I was dating this person on and off over the course of several months, but I eventually decided to end it because I felt like we weren't progressing toward a committed relationship. When I brought this up to him and set my boundaries, he concluded that he unwilling to give up other options and expressed that whatever we had now was insufficient for him to want to move towards being exclusive. I drew a 3 card spread and my interpretation:
- Knight of Swords – I took this to mean that this guy was so fixated with his own personal goals and life and didn't really put much consideration to others (aka me). It's not that he was an uncaring or bad person, but because was always on the go and always busy, he was oblivious and almost seems to not care about anyone else's experience other than his own. He would only ask me to spend time together on days that worked for him but would rarely ever accommodate to my schedule. He was set in his own opinions and thoughts that it comes across as lacking empathy and sensitivity towards others.
- Queen of Swords – I understood this to be where I took matters into my own hands and to put up my own boundaries in ending the situationship. If I hadn't, he would have allowed it to go on for as long as I would have allowed it, given that he was getting all the benefits of a relationship without ever having to be commit. I'm more of a logical person, but my heart allowed it to go longer than it should have. I had to start trusting myself that the gut feeling I had was correct. Even though he keeps telling me he wanted a committed relationship, his actions weren't matching what he was doing.
- Queen of Wands – I interpreted this to be my future, where I'm confident in myself and know my worth. I need to work towards getting to this place in order to get what I want out of life and on to bigger and better things. It's telling me that I should be proud and unashamed of who I am. I also can accept that this is representative of me, because I love cats and the cat is front and center! I'm also a Leo and the lions on the throne represent the courage and pride to be myself.
Do you agree with this interpretation? Could it be the Knight of Swords was not actually representing him, but myself? During the course of our time together, I did not have a good work-life balance. Because of how stressful my job is, I often couldn't go spend time with him during the weekdays because I was mentally and physically drained at the end of the work day and needed time to myself to decompress and rest. I shared how mentally taxing my job was with him, but I don't think he ever really understood or ever really grasped how much it affected me because he works the same amount of hours as I do, except at a job that is much less demanding that mine is. I feel like this can also mean that maybe this represents me as I wasn't giving enough time to him and putting way too much weight onto my job/mental health rather than having a healthy balance in my life.
Any feedback, insight, or second opinion is very much appreciated!