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Forums Forums Mediums From the day I took you sky-diving for your birthday. I feel so lucky I got to help you check it off your bucket list. I miss you dad, I wish so badly we could have fixed things before you left. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but does anybody feel moved to connect with him?

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    From the day I took you sky-diving for your birthday. I feel so lucky I got to help you check it off your bucket list. I miss you dad, I wish so badly we could have fixed things before you left. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but does anybody feel moved to connect with him?

  • From the day I took you sky-diving for your birthday. I feel so lucky I got to help you check it off your bucket list. I miss you dad, I wish so badly we could have fixed things before you left. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but does anybody feel moved to connect with him?

    frieswitdatplz updated 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • frieswitdatplz

    February 2, 2021 at 6:10 am

    Hey. I hope you find yourself well.

    I’m not a medium but I did feel an overwhelming feeling (almost like I got punched in the gut and chills) when I saw this picture. I’ll do my best at trying to decipher what it is that I’m feeling and maybe it will resonate with you.

    I’m sensing a theme of maybe abandoned hobbies? As in, you’ve recently abandoned a hobby that gave you a sense of balance and happiness. Something your dad knew you enjoyed or maybe something you two shared in common, and he’s worried that without a proper outlet you won’t have anywhere to release or let go of negative emotions. Abandonment in general also seems to be a big theme, so it might be good to reflect in what ways you’ve experienced abandonment especially in the relationship with yourself (might also be connected to your relationship with him but that now manifests through you?). I get the sense that you guys were more alike than you both would have liked to admit before he passed. There’s a feeling of concern and guilt because you’re hurting. He knows you need closure and that being unable to connect with him has you frustrated but there’s a reason you haven’t been able to connect with him yet. There’s a lot of energies that need to be cleared because of the way that he passed and your emotions towards it. He’s worried that if you become too obsessive about looking for answers, your own life might start to unravel and he doesn’t want that for you. Let go. Keep moving forward kid.

    That’s all I have. Hope it helps.

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