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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Getting really bad vibes from famously “spiritual” places? AKA “Am I the demon?”

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    Hello lovelies! I just took a road trip recently which took me past a mountain I’d never seen before and always wanted to. I didn’t really know much about it except it was popular with hippies. And I didn’t really do much planning. I was planning a drive, saw it would take me past mountain, and I wanted to see mountain. I even planned to stay in a nearby motel because, hey, nice mountain.

    Well everything was going mostly splendidly despite some car-related snafus and I was enjoying the scenery and adventure. Then the mountain came into view. I didn’t even know where I was at the time so I didn’t know it was the one I was seeing, I thought it was a different nearby mountain at first. But the minute I saw it I just felt… bad. I don’t know how else to explain it but the energy was just so foreboding and reverent, and so old and masculine, I felt compelled to say a quiet prayer asking permission to pass through safely. My whole time spent in its shadow was so somber and ominous. It felt like something bad was going to happen there. It felt dangerous. It was such a strong energy that even as I left it behind it felt like it had completely cleared my energy out.

    When I got to my motel I did a little research and saw a few things of interest- there’s a lot of folklore surrounding it being sacred. Like center of the universe sacred. But I just got *bad vibes* from it. It made me think, if so many people are drawn to it, why am I repelled by it? Is there something wrong with me because I didn’t like the sacred mountain?

    Anyone else have an experience like this? Going somewhere with a spiritual reputation and your whole being just going “no”?

    Edit: just to clarify, no I don’t think I’m an actual demon because I don’t vibe with a mountain. I’m using illustrative language.

  • Getting really bad vibes from famously “spiritual” places? AKA “Am I the demon?”

  • Mialanu

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    I’m not experienced or professional, but in my opinion, maybe your vibe and the mountain’s just don’t match. Like magnets whose same charges literally repel each other, or puzzle pieces that ALMOST fit.
    Not sure, but it’s not like you’re bad or anything, just different like we’re meant to be! 🥰

  • Gildedragon

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Sometimes spirits don’t like some people, they have their reasons (& it can also just be their will) it is prudent to you to recognize that & respect their boundaries

    Also could you be picking historical echoes, sometimes sacred sites are steeped with blood, & not all places known to be sacred are beneficial, they can just be powerful or significant.

    Also if it is the mountain I am thinking of bc of the hippies, the mountain might be a bit touchy abt tourism

  • kai-ote

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Old and powerful land spirits exist, and can be overwhelming in presence if you are sensitive and encounter one for the first time. Old trees are hundreds, or thousands, of years old.

    A young mountain spirit is 1 million, 2 million years old.

    Old spirits are hundreds of millions of years old. Their power is immense, But not harmful, unless you really tried to damage them.Even then, they think so slowly, and deeply, it takes a long time for them to notice us usually. Little things like roads are barely noticed.

    I like to sing with them. Like whale song, except a lot slower, and deeper in tone. BB.

  • mirta000

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Must you be like everyone else, or else you are a bad person? I don’t think so. We are all of various different shapes and sizes, our energies included. We are not all united or the same. That does not mean that we are bad. Disagreeing with an area that has a strong energetic current does not make you bad, nor good, it just is.

  • kalizoid313

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Mt Shasta. [Speaking as a Northern Californian who has spent time there.]

    This mountain figures in a good deal of modern mythology that has influenced today’s pop occulture. I heard of the I Am movement beginning there with a spirit of a hidden master as a kid, before I ever visited the mountain. Folks talked about Shasta some.

    From a distance, Shasta is a truly impressive and moving sight. It rises maybe 10,000 feet from the Central Valley floor. Close by it, many folks sense positive and wellness promoting energies and currents. Water sourced from its springs is definitely good to drink. It’s watershed is also a source for a considerable share of all of California’s water.

    At the same time, Shasta is not always a positive and uplifting place to be. Overnight on Shasta can be unnerving. It possesses creepy vibes. It gives off a sense that uncanny things happen on its slopes. And could well be happening to you. Unlike other peaks of the Cascades Range, Shasta does not have an “always good place” feel to it.

    I do not have any particular sense of Shasta’s great age or it’s menacing gender. For me, at least, Shasta is a presence, Just a grand volcanic Earth presence.

    But, Shasta is, in my experience, a place of power. And it delights me to practice there whenever I can.

  • SaraAmis

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Sacred and powerful rarely adds up to comfy. And people react differently to that.

    It’s also possible that you’re more sensitive than most.

  • Tarotgirl_5392

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    Reminder that Charles Manson was considered a hippie. It’s not all good vibes and peace.

    You mentioned masculine energy. So maybe the mountain is sacred to like energies. That alone isn’t reason to wonder if you’re a demon

  • Laurel_Spider

    September 5, 2022 at 3:41 am

    I know what you mean!!!

    Usually I find it’s either because at this point I’ve got some strong infernal in me that doesn’t match well or because I’m accurately reading the place and some weird snot went down there. I’ve had to walk out of places before. Like I’ve just not been able to handle it.

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