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Forums Forums Mediums Going through a rough time. If he could speak to me what would he say? What would he want me to do?

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    Going through a rough time. If he could speak to me what would he say? What would he want me to do?

  • Going through a rough time. If he could speak to me what would he say? What would he want me to do?

    gryffinpuff444 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • Molly_Monroe

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    His eyes. He is feeling what you are feeling. I think you two are very in tune with one another. I truly feel he wants you to do what you know you need to do, & he will be okay with whatever you choose. He knows your choice will be out of love for him.

    I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, I’m picking up on abuse tho, maybe from a partner of yours & he’s witnessed it, or maybe he was abused before you, either in a past life or before you.. but he’s ready for peace. Leave the abuser (if that’s the case- I’ve been there with my dog. She still struggles with loud noises. So no judgment from me).

    ETA; I’m picking up on “blue”. Does that mean anything to you & him? A toy or blanket that’s blue, maybe?

  • PhoenixingAshes

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    He wants you to be strong, he knows your scared and he’s scared too. But he knows you love him and he loves you, he is thankful for all the love you have given him. Is there something you have that you gave him long-ago? Something he still loves and you make sure to bring anytime you guys have to go anywhere ? He wants you to hug him and tell him it’s ok, that he’s done a good job. He wants to make sure you are going to be ok, I see some sort of human relationship that has a apart to do with the strength you need/have to be there for you.

  • PhoenixingAshes

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    You have been with eachother before ? You will be together again, and that this is apart of a cycle in your life and that even after the sunrises upon another day and although you will sit there looking at that spot that he always would be, he will still be there. There is an unconditional love that passes through you like a great extension cord of power between both of you. Also something to do with its ok to cry and you don’t have to be strong for me, I know your truth, as you know mine. Together forever till the end of time. ( Something about a promise )

    Sorry if that makes no sense

  • shaqdeezl

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    He would want you to give him more treats and take him for a walk!

    Meditate. There you will find all of your answers.

  • Seeksherowntruth

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    We have each other. Iam happy

  • gryffinpuff444

    February 17, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    He seems to be thanking you for taking good care of him. He is saying to tell you that he wants you to take as good care of yourself as you do for him and others.

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