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Forums Forums Tarot Have I been conned by a reader?

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    I’ve recently become interested in tarot. I have been reading up on it, mostly the basics for now but I have my first deck on its way and I cant wait to delve deeper!

    A few weeks ago I decided to book a reading online (3 card spread, past, present and future). I paid £25 for this. The lady who done my cards sent me an email with the cards an an explanation for each. When I read it properly I noticed she had just copied the card meanings word for word from that decks guide book. My question is…is this normal for a reading, to literally just go off the guide book? I was led to believe there was more depth to a reading and more insight given from the readers interpretation.

    Any comments would be appreciated, thanks guys.

  • Have I been conned by a reader?

    kiddeternity updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 15 Replies
  • Formal-Nectarine-296

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Some online readers are simply bogus.. a few weeks ago a live youtube poped up in my recommendations.. like you ask questions, pay the fee, she answers.. and i think the reader was doing the same.. except she was hyper focused on the pictures “see this picture, it has that little magic coming out of his wand, this means someone put a spell on you”.. and “see this picture of a man walking, this means a man will be walking in your life soon”

  • TheRomanceTarot

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    I completely sympathize with you! I just posted on a different sub about going to an in person reader yesterday who literally pulled a spread, and opened a book to read to me what each card meant. In front of my face! Unreal. It’s not ok, especially when charging for this service. It’s really disheartening. Being an intuitive reader I would never treat a client like this and to be honest it’s really lazy. I’m sorry you had that experience! Hopefully you can find another reader you connect with and it makes up for this one!

  • Farrell-Mars

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Sounds like a bottom-scraping level of service. That could be *included* with a reading I guess. But that price should get more personalization.

  • [deleted]

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm


  • pseudofruit

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Unfortunately it’s very common to find online readers who will copy and paste very generic meanings or quotes from the guidebooks. If they advertised personalized information or insight into particular topics, and if you were expecting in depth discussion of specific information, then yeah, I’d say you’re likely not getting that from this reader, but there are definitely others who will provide that level of service.
    If you’re able, check reviews beforehand to see if they mention the reader filming themselves doing the reading, providing commentary, etc, or even see if you can find a reader who will do a zoom/skype session so you can ask for clarification if needed.

  • kittiphile

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    I didn’t start doing professional tarot until 1)I knew all the cards – individually, and how they work in different settings 2)had my own spreads 3) did enough free readings (my spreads, no book) for people to feel comfortable and 4) the time seemed right energy and time wise

    I’ve always had the knack, but used to need the books and then it was trying to interpret what the less obvious combinations meant together, like….ace of swords and the reversed sun or knight wands and the moon or Reversed empress and page wands. The easy ones are like…ace cups, queen pents etc.

    It sounds like that lady was over charging anyway, never mind charging at all for such a poor grasp of the reading and information.

  • sunshinekhaotik

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    That’s not a tarot reading, that’s plagiarism. I would take pics of the guidebook and them to her to let her know that I knew what she did, but that’s just me. A true reader will merge the meanings of the cards together to give a more personal message.

  • HeronCroft

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Not normal. I’m sorry it happened to you! I’m a professional reader and I do email readings. I’d be ashamed to do that. I’m working on putting an ethics statement on my website specifically because of scammers like this.

  • esofagus

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    That’s pretty terrible, and something that gives tarot readers a bad name. I’ve had professional readings online – they were more expensive but worth every penny.

  • bigmagicsword

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    I wouldn’t say conned if the reading resonated with you, but I would say that, that woman is a poor reader. some people never learn to interpret cards intuitively and add their own flair to it, and get stuck on the book meanings which is something I see happening more and more recently. although some of us do get stuck on the common buzzwords, like I’ve never seen the tower described with the word “chaos” or the queen of cups without “nurturing” so it might just be that now you’re learning about it you’re noticing the common language used.

  • kitkat1224666

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Bruh, that’s dodgy. It’s not just about the individual meaning of the cards, you also have to consider how they interact and influence each other. This was an example of lazy reading.

  • arielrecon

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    This isn’t what I personally do, I charge $25 Canadian for an intuitive reading and I’ve been read by very talented readers for free. I’m sorry you don’t feel like you’ve gotten your money’s worth. Some people just can’t read intuitively unfortunately

  • xvickyxgx

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    Thank you everyone for your input. I had a feeling I hadn’t received a proper reading an you have all confirmed my suspicions. Its a shame some people operate like this, but knowing there is genuine people out there like yourselves, I feel much better about the situation. In future I will do more research an check testimonials of readers before I hand my money over. You have all been so nice, so thank you again.

  • feralwitch_

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    I guess it isn’t a “con”, but that is not how a good reading works. Cards interact with one another in a spread, and they sometimes hold flexible meanings. It takes some critical thinking and some human heart to put the puzzle pieces together and make a story of the cards. I wouldn’t expect a client of mine to put the cards into context– that’s my job. I’m sorry was your experience. I would like to think this person is a very new reader and is relying on the book as they learn, but that is still unfair to you having paid for their expertise.

  • kiddeternity

    February 24, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    That’s truly disappointing and I’m very sorry you had that experience. I hope it doesn’t put you off tarot, and that your next reading delivers better.

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