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Forums Forums Tarot Have you ever felt like your tarot deck doesn’t feel as strong anymore?

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    Lately I’ve been feeling like the first deck that I’ve ever bought is slowly wearing out. I still love and use my deck when I’m drawn to it, but sometimes I just don’t feel the energy there even though I’m completely grounded and clear. I don’t believe in crystals in clearing them, nor I am a fan of sage, or having it left out in sun/moon light because there isn’t really such a place I can do that. What are your suggestions/thoughts about this?

  • Have you ever felt like your tarot deck doesn’t feel as strong anymore?

    MageCats updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • honorthecrones

    February 7, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    I have a deck that I’ve had for over 20 years. Decks don’t wear out. What does come and go is your ability to invest into the process. The ability to feel an emotional response while working with the cards is not a constant. What is a constant is the intellectual exercise of the interpretation of the imagery. If you know the cards, you can work past the gaps in emotional connection.

  • MageCats

    February 7, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    Maybe take a break from Tarot or the deck itself. You could be stuck in a rut seeing the same images over and over if that’s what’s been happening. Or use the deck for something new and different than the purpose you normally use it for.

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