Sorry if this post is confusing or anything but I am desperate to find this book if someone recognizes what I’m describing and can help me. When I was like 18 I found this book in the library that was written by a woman who was basically all about how to step into your inner “wild womyn” I think it was (???? I just remember a lot of Ys being thrown in) and owning our feminine energies (it mentioned how people who don’t physically have uteruses or identify as male can still tap into this power which I loved). I distinctly remember the book was green and fairly thin. The title was also super short and I think the author was Australian (but I’m iffy on that memory). That’s literally all I remember.
In my own search, the first book that popped up that I thought might have been it was Witch by Lisa Lister. It definitely is not! That’s the only title I can absolutely cross off the list.
If anyone knows what I’m talking about or has a guess, please let me know! I’ve been trying to find this book for purchase for years and I’ve completely forgotten the title and the author.