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Forums Forums Tarot Help with court card meanings?

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    I’ve always struggled with the meanings of the court cards and remembering them, can anyone help out?

  • Help with court card meanings?

    BabeHoBaggins updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • Zombieinyourhead

    February 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

    I’ve made a notebook where I’ve dedicated space to each card and compiled notes on their meanings from different sources—different books, different decks, and from the person teaching me. I’m writing it out by hand, so I remember the notes better. I had a hard time with court cards before, but now I have a much deeper understanding.

  • mollyleejames

    February 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

    i like to think of what occupations/hobbies the court cards would have as individuals. really helps put a picture and attitude in your head!


    king of swords – king or someone who makes and executes important and delicate DECISIONS, militant officer, brain surgeon, judge; someone in charge of big decisions and lots of people. if reversed – dictator.

    knight of pentacles – laborer, construction worker; strong and healthy; tactile, instinctual.

    king of wands – farmer, middle school principal; intuitive and expressive, caring and understanding, yet firm.

    queen of pentacles – foster parent, gardener, daycare owner; entrepreneur, nurturing, gentle, empathetic but knows how to put her foot down.

    edit – wrote this on the toilet so hopefully my defs are right!!

    also, find what all “pages” or “queens” have in common. (usually sensing(page) and feeling(queen))
    find what all the swords family (and others) have in common.

  • wlpbt

    February 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

    Court cards can describe people, personality traits, and gauges of time

  • darthlaurian

    February 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

    Check out the Root Lock Radio podcast, Weston did a great job of explaining the personalities and energies behind the Court cards. Though if you’re new to tarot I suggest going through the episodes on the Minor Arcana first, as the energies of the suits influence how you read the Court cards.

  • BabeHoBaggins

    February 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

    I find it helps to get their symbolism down by making your own, personal associations with them. It requires you to study every court card you have and just observe what you see, what messages you get and what it reminds you of and that can be your “xyz” card.

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