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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing hey y’all!! I recently got a true selenite slab I intend to use to cleanse and charge my other crystals with. My issue is I want to preserve it as good as possible by putting it a Ziploc in attempt to reduce the amount of scratches/liquid exposure

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    My question is will this effect the way it cleanses/charges my crystals in any way? If it will, is there any solutions you can think of that may prevent that from happening? (My dumbass is clumsy and has been known to spill things on important things)

  • hey y’all!! I recently got a true selenite slab I intend to use to cleanse and charge my other crystals with. My issue is I want to preserve it as good as possible by putting it a Ziploc in attempt to reduce the amount of scratches/liquid exposure

  • Noxx_Nyxx

    September 13, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    No it doesn’t create an issue like that. A bit of plastic doesn’t effect the metaphysical abilities of the item.

  • beadedgeek

    September 13, 2022 at 2:24 pm

    I would recommend cling wrap over a bag. This helps preserve the stability of the stone as well as it is particularly fragile and susceptible to fracture.

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