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    After the heart felt and wonderful replies to my post about my experiences since my Wife’s death and the live stream that picked up her taking part in the conversation Thank you all for that.

    I hear a lot about raising your vibration and I tried something last night which didn’t freak me out or cause any concern but I would love for people to let me know what they think and to make sure I was not just imagining it.

    So I lay in bed as normal, about 2am (my sleep pattern is odd) on my right side I have always been an instinctive person so I followed my instincts, I was tense so started to sing in my head, singing sounds too elegant the words were random silliness and was more like a tuneful mantra of sorts, after about a minute at most I stopped, still feeling tense but more well it is hard to describe.

    within 5 – 10 seconds my upper knee which was wresting on my other knee started to feel kinda fuzzy and numb but not in a pins and needles kind of way, not in a lack of circulation way, it was like a buzzing but without sound, then I felt it in my head and my whole body, quite literally it felt like a vibration buzzy numbness that defies words but not a physical one, like nothing I have ever felt in my body.

    Then I did something which I know was too much , it was like I was powered up or something so maybe it is part of my autistic nature but I started to ask if Paola was there using her nickname but my mind was like it was on superfastgogo juice, for about 2 minutes all I did was keep asking if anyone was there and wanted to talk and not giving any time or listening it was like a paragraph without punctuation, after another minute I took a breath settled myself and went to sleep.

    None of this freaked me out or felt wrong or weird just a new odd kind of natural.

    Had a powerful dream, don’t know how I know that because I remember none of it but when I woke up I realised that and no idea where this thought came from, I have a spare room, you know that room in a house that is a project room, it used to be a streaming room then a mini cinema room but never gets used when setup and generally becomes the place you stack amazon boxes.

    I am going to clear it out a little and add some of my favourite crystals, Paola’s too, add some of her jewellery, setup a safe candle and almost altar following instinct again, comfortable chair the window is already blacked out have a small speaker in there for our favourite music and will use that place to try to connect to all of this.

    Actually I don’t feel that I will have a problem connecting it will be slowing down and getting past the “this car can go how fast” situation I had last night.

    Does this all sound like me just deluding myself which I don’t think it is but I would like to hear from you all please.

  • Higher vibration questions and my experience last night.

    Suitable_Self_9363 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • echolm1407

    February 13, 2021 at 9:29 am

    It sounds like she visited you in a dream and you guys had a great time together and came up with a plan. I can feel you energy and joy. Congrats.

  • MuchDot343

    February 13, 2021 at 9:29 am

    My impression would probably be that closure is about to happen on a spiritual level. I would personally prepare useful questions like…should I move on? Do we reunite in heaven? What should I do about your ___?” but that’s my nature to want those kind of answers, whatever you need, be receptive to answers.

    I feel like there’s a lot of healing to be done through meditating to music with her frequency open.

    I would also prepare to end intentional communication at some point after you receive these answers, for her sake.

  • Suitable_Self_9363

    February 13, 2021 at 9:29 am

    If you’re raising vibrations, make sure to have plenty of batteries ready. It’s all nonsense.

    You lost someone dear to you. That sucks. If you believe in a god, most likely this is blashphemy and you should quit. I know there aint one and I’m telling you:

    Grieve. Remember. Keep moving. Do not chase nonsense. This is. She’s gone. If it hurts, that just means you loved her. It takes time to move on. In the mean time, treasure the memories, don’t cling to them and fall into this… mess.

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