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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing how can we help mother nature – warning talking about dead/ injured animals

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    I don’t know if I’m asking for advice or just ranting. Since starting my journey I have become very attached to nature, I notice when I’m receiving signs from nature & I find it very healing.

    However, since this I keep seeing the pain mother nature is in, dead animals at the side of the road, litter cluttering the bushes & trees and most recently, poorly or dead bees! I have seen more almost dead or dead bees than I have alive ones this year, when I see them I do everything in my power, water, flowers, sugar water but sometimes they still die. It is breaking my heart.

    My heart aches and I am surrounded by houses with tarmac drives and lawns, I see the fields near my house being cemented over to build more houses. Even people being mean to pigeons in the town centre get me so angry. I’m angry at people, I’m sad about the pain mother nature is in and I’m frustrated that I can only do so much.

    Again I don’t know if I’m asking for advice or just ranting but I needed to get it off my chest to people who might understand.

    Some questions just to not make this post completely negative:
    What do you do to connect with nature?
    What do you do to ease the suffering of the nature around you?
    What can we do as a community?

  • how can we help mother nature – warning talking about dead/ injured animals

  • picking_a_name_

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    At the best of times, bees have a very short life cycle. In a few months, the drones will be kicked out and die. However, you can help them live their longest by planting pollen bearing plants, being careful about what pesticides you use (and plants you buy have been sprayed with) and by putting out water sources. Consistent water is one of the best ways to help wild things. When I can, I get out into the woods. But even to notice the weeds around you can help to build a connection.

  • sweetest_tofu

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    You could try organising a very peaceful protest or make a petition to stop putting cement over the fields. try some spells to help mother nature. manifest that it will get better. if you decide to do a protest or make a petition, put it on this page!!!! im sure many witches would be willing to help, even people that just care for the environment. put it on nature sub-reddits or anything like that, its not the best or easiest, but its bound to help!!! good luck <3

  • Void-Laughter

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Have you heard of r/NoLawns yet? They’re all about getting rid of grass lawns in favor of something else, usually native plants that are beneficial to bee’s and other animals. Even just planting a large flower bed can be greatly beneficial to them.

    My dad has bird feeders galore full of different feed based on the birds he has seen in and around his yard, every year we see more and more of them showing up. They even have weird out of place hangers in the windows to help the birds be aware that something is there so they stop smashing into the glass as frequently.

    There’s many things you can do within your own yard to help nature flourish. If you want to do something beyond your backyard look into your local wildlife conservation’s and ask how you can help.

  • crazyashley1

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Here’s the thing. Are humans effecting the globe? Yes. Is it causing damage? Yes.

    Will it matter in the long run? No. Life has existed on this planet for over a billion years in one form or another. Animals adapt, survive, and die out all the time. Sometimes it’s natural. Sometimes it’s because an asteroid hit. Humans are making the world inhospitable *for humans.* We aren’t going to wipe all life off earth or grey rock the whole planet. The earth is far more resilient than that, and we’ll go extinct long before all life will. The minute we die off, everything else gets easier for the other life forms. Humanity is closing the door on its own face. The world will recover and flourish after we’re gone, just like it always has.

  • merespell

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Talk to people. Every neighbor that wants a perfect lawn (Thank the Gods there are not many here) and uses chemicals has had me stop by and talk about chemicals like roundup and fertilizers that kill and cause water that the nature creatures drink to form excessive algae.

    I live in the woods in a lake community. Most is wild (including most lawns), the animals are thriving and the bees are healthy and busy (they love my rose of sharons). In some places things are better.

  • SnooEagles7610

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Going vegan is the most (obviously) effective way to ease the suffering of nature around you and as a community. In addition to this, I love to go hiking, backpacking, and generally lay around on earth (i.e. next to the river, in the grass, etc.) to connect with nature.

  • nation543

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    This topic makes me think of somebody helping a small rabbit, only for it to get eaten by a fox. Then the fox gets eaten by a hawk. The hawk gets eaten by an eagle. So on, so forth. Sometimes it’s best to just watch nature and let it do its thing.

  • Nica73

    July 6, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I do what I can to offset what humans have destroyed…….my gardens are filled with native, pollinator friendly flowers and grasses, bird feeders in KY yard filled with seeds, berries, hummingbird and oriole nectar and a small pond and waterfall. I do not use any pesticides on my property. I carry a garbage bag with me when I walk and hike and pick up the trash I find. I donate money and time to agencies that I think align with my values. I share information with friends and family about what we can do to reduce damage we cause. I only purchase meat from sustainable farmers in my area. And I vote in state and federal elections and I write and call all of my representatives.

    I am not perfect and there are times I must walk away and recharge. I believe that the little I can do, when combined with the little that others do, does have an effect.

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