I stopped by at a little cove by the beach today. It was my first inline skating session after a long recovery from injuries. I am very respectful of the guardians and spirits of any place, and I was today too. I greeted and explained I would like to look for a few specific items. Among these was a hag stone. All I had to do was reach into the ground. I kid you not there were so many. And very pretty bits of mother of pearl, gorgeous pebbles for my friend's daughters, sea glass, a sea urchin, a beautiful large stone with a tiny fossilised snail. I didn't even have to ask, as soon as a thought appeared in my head about what would be a cool find, it was under my hand. The fossil I didn't even ask for, but I know someone who'd be thrilled to receive it and I gave it to them immediately after (they love it). I wanted a shiva's eye to give a specific person but couldn't find it (they are rare here), and respectfully took the hint.
I did immediately express my utmost gratitude, but I feel like I want to do more, as it was quite unbelievable how the little treasures just kept materialising under my hands. Any ideas? I chant really well, I could go back when there are no people around and offer chants, is that ok?
Does one leave food/flower/incense/light offerings in such cases? I don't think it's nice to leave food on a beach, but natural incense or flowers I could do.
Also, you know the bluish light/aura you see around yourself or others, or trees etc? Well. I was a little scared today because if I slipped and caught myself on my previously injured limbs things might not go well, inspite of my protective gear. I looked down at my wheels and suddenly saw the bluish light around them clear as day. I skated for hours, and it never went away. I understand I'm likely just seeing residual kinetic energy or something – but also, I've never seen it around my wheels before, and not everyone does. My fear of injury left me as soon as I noticed it.
P. S. I do know not to gift the hag stones! But I just read you're not supposed to take multiple! Do I take them back? Or is that just a rule in places where it's not allowed to take multiple of anything from a beach? Ours have no such restrictions except for marine animals and of course I don't touch those. (I like watching little crabs argue over who gets to sunbathe on a rock though ❤️)
I'll really appreciate any idea on proper expressions of gratitude and handling of extra hag stones!