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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How do you connect with the arrival of a spirit?

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    I haven’t connected with spirits, deities, etc. but would like to. Some of my spells have flickering flames, which I heard is indicative of a spirit being present. How do I communicate with them to aid my spell-work, get insight, or receive any messages they’re trying to tell me? I feel like it’s a missed opportunity when I don’t connect with them bc I don’t know how to.

  • How do you connect with the arrival of a spirit?

  • Young-Warrior-00

    November 24, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    Say hi, offer them some water (you can never go wrong with water) and use some divination to have a chat.

  • [deleted]

    November 24, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    Offerings are cool.

    I use tarot a LOT with my medium work. Like, a lot. My spirit guide really likes tarot and most spirits who’ve been around a while or who did tarot in their life are good at it.

    Some spirits like newly departed ghosts have a harder time with it, especially if they never used it when they were alive. The one spirit who like legit couldn’t do it died when he was really young. That’s been my experience.

    Be warned that tarot creates an energetic connection with these beings.

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