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    Just running with the previous thread about opposite signs. FWIW I’m Cap sun/Aries moon/Virgo rising/Sagittarius Venus.

    **Aries:** I can’t recall any negative experiences with Arien women. I have found some Arien guys to be a bit erratic and self-centered. Nor real sense of introspection about how their actions may harm other people. Even with my moon, I just can’t square (ha) with people who act in the moment without much foresight. I appreciate the typically quick Aries humor, though. Count on them for a good clapback.

    **Libra:** Eeeeks. Not a good track record with them. I find them really flakey and disloyal. Expecting them to come through for you in a tangible, practical way is like expecting the moon. Really charming/alluring at the start (especially Libra risings), but it almost always goes downhill from there in my experience.

    **Leo:** No real issues with them, easy to talk to and get along with as long as you meet that their attention quota. I admire the “celebrity energy” many of them emanate…it’s an interesting contrast to “boss energy” of your typical Capricorn. I think they can be very needy and high maintenance as partners, though.

    **Gemini:** I don’t jump on the Gemini hate-wagon, but I do have difficulties with many them in the long run. The erratic mind-changing and constant interrupting grates on me after a while. I find that they can be rather insensitive as well. Some of my Gemini friends don’t even ask how I’m doing before talking about themselves lol. That being said, I do like engaging with them on an intellectual level and can quite easily build a good rapport with them that way.

  • How do you feel about your square and quincunx signs?

    misteredgeworth updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • piscesgirl202

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    Pisces sun, cancer rising, leo moon

    Gemini: I love geminis! They are so funny, smart and I have the best conversations with them! They can be super unreliable though which is a bit annoying at times but i’m getting used to it

    Leo: either love or hate, I was in relationships with leos and had some leo friends; for my taste they are a bit self-absorbed but at the same time super loyal and caring

    Libra: I love libras. As a pisces, I can relate to their indecisiveness, I can’t blame them. At the same time, I admire their delicacy and charme

    Sag: I’ve never been close to any sags, unfortunately but i think they generally are very cool people!

  • [deleted]

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    Aries sun, Sagi moon, cancer rising here. I can’t stand people with strong Cap placements- I find their cutthroat winner take all lack of integrity to be abrasive and infuriating. Also the insufferable know it all attitude, stubbornly conventional lifestyle and viewpoints, and ends justify the means motivations make me sick! Never met a Capricorn that I could trust! They will kick you square in the balls if you cross them!

    Love, love, love virgos for some reason, which is weird because they have a lot in common with cap. They’re just a bit milder though and I love ruffling their feathers. Also their sense of loyalty and integrity runs deep, and I respect that. Partner of eight years is sun/asc/Venus in Virgo and he’s definitely the one for me. Pisces are easy to get along with and cancers are pushovers. That’s all!

  • ForsakenCondition88

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    Squares: Aries – I wish I could have fun like you can, and have your drive. But you could do with a bit of grrrravitas. Libra – I know only one Libra so I can’t really say. Except to say that everything should be had in moderation, *including moderation.*

    Quincunx: Sagittarius – What I aspire to be. Love them. Aquarius – I admire the free spirit in them, but am wary of the cool aloofness.

  • Tyronemagnussucks

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    I’m a Leo sun, Capricorn moon and Scorpio rising.

    *Taurus*: Ride or die. Genuinely nice people tho. A little dimwitted but that’s fine. Funnily enough, most I know are pretty lean in body shape as opposed to the stereotypes, at least the dudes.

    *Scorpio*: Not nearly as intense as they’re lauded to be……at least on the surface. Can be annoying sometimes. Very intelligent people nonetheless. They have good advice to give.

    *Capricorn*: Know a ton of ’em. Most mature people I know. Meticulous. Something I admire is how hardworking and surprisingly creative people they are.

    *Pisces*: Again, I know a lot of ’em. Usually reserved people. Sensitive but kind. You have to open up to them first. Fall into the stereotypes.

  • [deleted]

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm


  • trstmfckr

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    I like my square and quincunx signs (sun, moon, and rising)

    the signs I have least rapport with, tho, are quincunx off my mars in pisces (leo + libra)

  • misteredgeworth

    February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    **I’m all squares baby**

    I love Aquariuses too they’re dope

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