Just running with the previous thread about opposite signs. FWIW I’m Cap sun/Aries moon/Virgo rising/Sagittarius Venus.
**Aries:** I can’t recall any negative experiences with Arien women. I have found some Arien guys to be a bit erratic and self-centered. Nor real sense of introspection about how their actions may harm other people. Even with my moon, I just can’t square (ha) with people who act in the moment without much foresight. I appreciate the typically quick Aries humor, though. Count on them for a good clapback.
**Libra:** Eeeeks. Not a good track record with them. I find them really flakey and disloyal. Expecting them to come through for you in a tangible, practical way is like expecting the moon. Really charming/alluring at the start (especially Libra risings), but it almost always goes downhill from there in my experience.
**Leo:** No real issues with them, easy to talk to and get along with as long as you meet that their attention quota. I admire the “celebrity energy” many of them emanate…it’s an interesting contrast to “boss energy” of your typical Capricorn. I think they can be very needy and high maintenance as partners, though.
**Gemini:** I don’t jump on the Gemini hate-wagon, but I do have difficulties with many them in the long run. The erratic mind-changing and constant interrupting grates on me after a while. I find that they can be rather insensitive as well. Some of my Gemini friends don’t even ask how I’m doing before talking about themselves lol. That being said, I do like engaging with them on an intellectual level and can quite easily build a good rapport with them that way.