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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How do you find a familier?

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    How do you find a familier?

  • How do you find a familier?

  • actfine

    July 5, 2021 at 2:53 am

    You wait until they find you.

  • Jamma-Lam

    July 5, 2021 at 2:53 am

    You can meditate and pray to your deities to send you one. Speak clearly to yourself and your spirit guides that your heart is open to receive and care for one. You fine them in many places. LOOK in shelters until an animal chooses you, Leave food in a flat bird table near a bird bath for a chance to meet outdoor bird familiars. Be open. Be creative. And most importantly wait for one that fits and you have a resounding YES moment in your heart.

    Worst case scenario you just have a loving pet cat. All cats are magical. Maybe not all cats have potent reincarnated spirits in them- but that’s no reason to return it to the shelter. Maybe it isn’t your time for a familiar but you decided it was time to promise A Pet a good life. So honor your contract lest punishment befall you.

  • analog_ali

    July 5, 2021 at 2:53 am

    They really do find a way to enter your life.

    Come to realization that you are absolutely ready for a familiar and speak that aloud with certainty throughout the course of your day and week. They will find you, even in the oddest of ways 🙂

  • RedFoxRunner55

    July 5, 2021 at 2:53 am

    My first showed up when I was 14. He was a wormy, starving feral kitten that I found under a car at work. The second I picked him up, I just knew. We were inseparable.

    The others I have sought out via shelters or rescues. I went to see a border collie, but she wasn’t the right fit. As I was walking out, I saw another beautiful black dog. I didn’t even ask about him, I just said “this one” and took him home. I just knew. The most recent, I saw one iPhone photo and knew she was meant for me. I could tell in her eyes.

    I did recently make a connection with a thrush. We don’t normally have them out here so I was really excited to see one. He eats bugs in my garden while I pick veggies and stays very close. I hear him every morning when I wake up. I’m not sure who he is but I always feel happy when he’s with me.

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