TLDR: told I would be a medium in my 30s – I'm in my 30s. Wanting to develop mediumship skills. Even stronger feelings of wanting this after recent passing of my spiritual mother.
Hello there lovely people. I'm posting in the hopes of opening up my abilities (if I have them) and 'turning on that switch' per se.
Let me give you some context: many years ago I had a reading done, and a medium told me I would become a medium in my 30s. I'm a mid 30s guy now, and for the last maybe 2 years have been waiting and wanting for these abilities to come to me.
I've always been interested and drawn to the paranormal. Even fiction and horror movies (and I normally can't deal with horror at all. But if it's paranormal based I can't not watch it). I've seen things in the past (apparitions – fleetingly, shadows and shapes), heard things (footsteps, or voices both in my ear and in my head), and felt things (energies, prescences, and even physical things like someone sitting on the bed with me). I've always been drawn to paranormal things and dabble in tarot, briefly years ago I tried automatic writing, runes, affirmation cards etc.
I know it's very important to protect myself: my Mum was spiritual and introduced me to this type of stuff, and about whitelighting myself and smudging. But that's all I know ie: protection. So, I know if I ever have any abilities and they DO come, I might need some more advice on protection, and also general advice and help.
I've also recently suffered the loss of my Mum 1 month ago. So these feelings of wanting to develop these mediumship skills I think also have been exacerbated by this, and wanting to connect with her. I know it might not happen because she's so close to me and I might not get her coming through. I know these feelings of wanting to have these skills are exacerbated by Mum's loss, and that maybe these feelings are just grief rather than something else. But I have been dreaming of her almost every night. I can't remember the dreams but I know she was in them. Im not sure if this is just grief and longing, or her visiting.
I'm also aware that maybe I just won't have abilities – maybe that medium was wrong. I read posts about people being born with these skills and remembering as a child having them. And apart from a few brief and intermittent occurrences with spirits in my life, I've not had that. So maybe it's not meant to be and I'm just longing and wishing rather than tuning into a gift that I was meant to have?
Anyway, I hope this (long-ass) post is clear, and I've been able to explain the intricacies and questions of my situation. I would love some guidance if anyone has any? What are peoplee thoughts?
Much love.