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Forums Forums Mediums How to tap in with natural clairvoyant gifts that I have blocked out due to fear

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    I want to know if it is possible for one to regain/strengthen their abilities after spending a long time blocking them out due to fear.

    I have been told by divination that I have the gift of tarot, communication, and to speak to spirits. I have always sensed energies and physically seen dark shadows when I am passing cemeteries. I knew one summer night that gunfire would come to the street where my friends and I were hanging out at because I heard a voice internally telling me so. As predicted, there was a shooting that took place a few hours after my premonition where someone got shot in the face a few doors down from where my friends and I were. I went through my entire life thinking this behavior was normal. I didn’t know that not everyone can see shadows at cemeteries.


    There is a well-respected psychic who has a Youtube channel. She has abilities and gifts similar to myself. The psychic said that she walked past someone at the grocery store and she saw his death. She knew this person was going to die in a car accident. Of course, she couldn’t tell the person. I thought to myself, “What a horrible burden to carry. Knowing when and how others will die”. After learning this, I became immensely fearful of my gift and tried hard to stifle it.


    I have been told through divination that it is my purpose in life to use my gifts to help and heal others. I think I am done with trying to run from my natural gifts. However, I worry that I completely blocked my ability due to fear. Any help or feedback please?

  • How to tap in with natural clairvoyant gifts that I have blocked out due to fear

    annereadesbooks updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • catsmamma

    February 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    Wow, I’m in a similar situation but the thing is altought I tried to block it I never could do it 100%. I think it’s like riding a bike, you can’t unlearn what you already know, maybe try to imagine like you are welcoming this gift again and give it a simbol (I was reading this sub today and someone said a door being open and I found it great to visualise). I’m sure someone here can help you more than I do, but I hope I gave you some comfort. Oh and before I forget I usually make an affirmation like “ok, I can’t deal with this right know, please stop for a while” and when I feel better “ok, I’m ready to sense you again”, this help me a lot when I was younger, it was like a swicht.

  • Craner12q

    February 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    This is what I posted to another person about the advise I got when I was trying to hide what I was and could do

    My year was turning 21. There was a surprise party for me and at that party someone decided to do a seance, I should say pretend to have a seance. During it I realized the guy had no idea what was doing. I had known I was gifted since I was young but did not know everyone was not like that. I had been told to hide my talent because people would think I was insane. My maternal line was gifted and all struggled with such comments and wanted to spare me that.
    Anyways, after the pretend seance while we were all sitting in the circle, a guy around my age who I had not noticed before, had no idea who he was, and who I did not see after, caught my eye. He said, you can not deny your spiritual talent. If you do not accept it , learn about it, use it, control it, it will just build up until it will make you sick or hurt you. You will not be able to contain it. I should know I am part of the paranormal studies at the university. He was sort of smiling and chuckled when he said that.
    I asked some profs if there were such a study at the university and they said no. No one remembered him from the party when I described him or heard what he told me.
    That is my advise to you, learn, use, control and do not be afraid, your gift has just begun to blossom, enjoy the adventure. If you have any questions that you do not feel easy about stating on the site, feel free to send me a private message.

  • annereadesbooks

    February 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm

    You practice it like you would practice a sport or musical instrument. not sure exactly what your specific craft is yet? dabble in all of them until you feel your intuition naturally pull you towards one. Go to metaphysical store and see what types of things you are drawn to. And literally just start reading people with their consent. Pray on it ask God to send you signs about what you should do. most importantly spend a lot of time in silent meditation.

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