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Forums Forums Mediums I can’t stop thinking about my dreams

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    Hello everyone, I apologize in advance for this lengthy post. I wanted to share something that happened to me recently and I’m hoping to gain guidance or advice. Just as a trigger warning to others who may read this, I will be talking about car accidents.

    I (21F) recently had two dreams about my girlfriend’s friend’s sister who passed just last Sunday. Mind you, I have never met this girl or seen her in person only in photos. The sister who had passed died from a drunk driver who was driving the wrong way on the freeway. (May or may not be relevant, just thought I would add that in case it helps?) The first dream I had about her was brief, I was in the car with my girlfriend and we were passing by a mechanic? Parked in the lot was her friend and the sister, they approached the car. The sister was wearing an outfit that I had seen in one of the photos I had seen of her. I didn’t hear her voice in the dream, and couldn’t really make anything out from this interaction. The second dream was more detailed. It was still the same four people (myself, my girlfriend, the friend, and the sister). In my dream the sister was very funny and outgoing, liked to have a good time. In one part of my dream her and I were out by her car, mind you I’ve never seen her car before. The car was a grey-ish sedan that was semi dirty on the inside and the back right door handle was missing (that’s a key part). I remember in my dream getting in the car with her and us both getting hit by a truck while driving. I woke up and immediately told my girlfriend about my dream. I asked her questions about the sister’s personality and what her car looked like. She told me the sister was always pretty outgoing and started to tell me about what her car looked like. I was incorrect about the type of car she had but she told me that the car was always pretty dirty and that the car was pretty beat up. I asked her what that meant (I hadn’t told her about the car handle missing yet) and she told me it was so beat up that one of the door handles was missing. I started tearing up, and she continued on to say that it was the back right one that was missing. Then I cried. I know nothing about this girl, other than she was the sister of my girlfriend’s friend. I was confused as to why I could be dreaming about someone I know nothing about or even have no connection to. Looking at photos of her, I get a sense that she was a nice person and that she seemed like a good time! After I cried about that dream, I had stopped having dreams about her. I’m not religious, but I like to think that she’s in a better place and is constantly by her family’s side. I know the family is hurting from the lack of closure. I’m not sure what to do about these dreams but I know that they were pretty vivid. I just thought it was odd for myself personally to be correct about something I have no prior knowledge about. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

  • I can’t stop thinking about my dreams

    SeaworthinessFit1278 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • SeaworthinessFit1278

    February 17, 2021 at 5:57 pm

    I’ve been seeing a lot of stories on here that talk about how when a person dies they’ll naturally be drawn to people who can pick up on their presence. Sometimes it’s family or friends and sometimes strangers. Often they just need to tell their story and share it with someone. It’s such an intense experience and you are a very open and loving person to help someone through this difficult time.

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