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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I changed my mind, now idk what to do with items?

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    I’m going to try to make it quick.
    I was planning on performing a very strong hex against my abuser, who harasses me, slanders me, constantly bullies my relatives online, raped me two years ago, attempted to take my son from me, etc..(he has done a lot)

    So for this reason I got the following items:

    Graveyard dirt
    Whole cow heart
    Pins and needles
    Abuser’s picture with information on the back
    And other spices and simple items

    Because I’m pregnant, I decided to not do it out of fear that it would have repercussions against my child.

    I’m scared about this man, the law ant helping, 3 OP’s got dropped, the rape investigator closed the case because I found out he was my abuser’s best friend in college. Anyway…. Is there anything I can use those items to protect myself froM this person and how do I get him away from me and my family? I cannot handle 4 more years… guidance please? Guidance, no judgments please.

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