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Forums Forums Mediums I don’t know if my grandfather is at rest.

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    I never met my grandfather, he died during active duty when my mom and uncle were young teenagers. He was doing a practice flight with his partner who was the pilot. This partner had recently found out his wife was cheating on him with the base chaplain, so he obviously wasn’t thinking straight, but on the way back this pilot directed their plane into a mountain, where the wreckage went undiscovered for over 40 years. Obviously when they didn’t return my grandmother was notified of his passing.

    Only just a few years ago the wreckage of the plane was found, but over the course of time, from the crash to this very day, people who have hiked in the area have reported sounds of low flying military aircraft, some even report hearing a plane crash, with no evidence of a plane even being there! But there are no flight training patterns conducted in the area anymore. I told my mother this, she said my grandfather was probably very angry the pilot did that and took his life before his time.

    But it also bothers me because when my grandfather had passed, my grandmother kept telling me she had dreams where they would hug and hold hands, but the last time she saw him in her dreams she said she was running around him in circles and kept trying to hug and kiss him, but she said he kept staring straight ahead and wouldn’t look at her or reciprocate her affections, she told me he was telling her it was time to let him go and move on. But to this day she’ll be walking around the house they built together (she lives alone) and she’ll feel like she’s being embraced and know’s it’s him. Even when I stay at her house, I can count on that at least once I’ll feel a presence and even though I’ve never met him, I know it’s him.

    But the weird thing is, is that all the women on my moms side is sensitive, I’ll see flashes of the future in my dreams possibly weeks or months before it happens, we all have strong gut intuition (we all get terrible stomaches when something bad is going to happen), I had an accident at a summer camp in Ohio at 2 am, both my grandmother and mother who were thousands of miles apart from both me and each other woke up at the same time of the incident. My grandmother is extremely close to her pets, every pet she has owned is buried or cremated and are on the property, she still gets visits from these animals! The little terrier she had for 15 years who would go through her legs, she gets the impressions on her pant legs, she says she can feel her fur! One of the mutts she had from the ’80s who would put his paws in her back while they slept will periodically do the same, even today. Got a little off-topic here, but you get the picture.

    My mom even told me that once when I was an infant I was laying in my crib and she and my dad were in the living room, they heard my mobile turn on and play, and I was giggling, this was when you had to manually crank the mobile and there was no timer, thing was the mobile was last used the night prior. My parents looked at each other and got up to come and investigate. My mom describes the atmosphere as very warm and loving, and that it felt like there were a number of people in the room when it was really mom, dad, and infant me. To this day both maintain it was relatives who had passed on and they had come to visit the new baby. Again off topic but I haven’t really spoken about this stuff before.

  • I don’t know if my grandfather is at rest.

    TheRaggedyRoom updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • RicottaPuffs

    February 15, 2021 at 11:38 pm

    There is no reason for him to not be at rest. If this is a reading request, go to r/MediumReadings to ask for one.

    Many people dream of their deceased loved ones your grandmother was probably having dream visits.

  • TheRaggedyRoom

    February 15, 2021 at 11:38 pm

    If anyone is not at rest is would be the pilot. Probably still angered with his cheating wife. Which would explain the ghost plane phenomenon at the crash site. As for you’re grandfather it sounds like he understands his time here is up and wants your grandmother to understand the he still loves her regardless. By no means does he wish to leave your grandmother. It is simply what he has to do.

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