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Forums Forums Tarot I made this spread to address a lack of energy I have been dealing with for years. I am new to tarot and any new insight would help! (Details in comments)

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    I made this spread to address a lack of energy I have been dealing with for years. I am new to tarot and any new insight would help! (Details in comments)

  • I made this spread to address a lack of energy I have been dealing with for years. I am new to tarot and any new insight would help! (Details in comments)

    thrownormanaway updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • mylittlelune

    February 9, 2021 at 1:15 am

    My intention was to determine where my general fatigue and excessive sleepiness could be coming from psychically. I’ve worked with my doctors and there doesn’t seem to be a medical reason, so it seems to be mentally driven.

    The top card was drawn to ask “where do I best draw my energy?” I took the Eight of Cups to mean that I draw mental energy from exploring new paths and finding emotional freedom. That does resonate with me, as I crave variety, adventure and trying new things.

    The bottom left asked “what is blocking me from energetic abundance?” According to my deck guidebook, the Four of Pentacles represents stability and attachment to the end goal. I feel that this kind of goal-attachment could very well be blocking me from feeling free and energetic.

    The bottom right asked “what can I do to restore my mental and physical energy?” Again, Pentacles, but it seems the Eight of Pentacles represents knowledge, self-discovery and skill development. I could see this being helpful to an extent, but I wonder how I can build my skills and knowledge without remaining too attached to stability and certain goals.

    I thought it was interesting that I got two Earth-focused cards both for energetic blockage and overcoming that blockage. My birth chart is actually very Earth heavy and I do tend to be a highly motivated, focused, and grounded person. I’m currently working on my doctorate and I can be frustrated when my goals aren’t met. I do like the idea that I can use the traits of knowledge and skill discovery to help overcome my lack of energy and find emotional freedom, but I suppose I am wondering if anyone has an idea of how that could be accomplished considering this spread.

    Deck is the Naked Heart Deck, by Jillian C. Wilde!

  • namastewitches

    February 9, 2021 at 1:15 am

    Have you tried acupuncture? I was having a tough time and not feeling like myself, overrun by stress. I got my energy back to do things I like to do after 2 sessions and it doesn’t hurt. Best of luck to you, fellow human!

  • heat__waves

    February 9, 2021 at 1:15 am

    Which deck is this? It’s so cute!!!

  • thrownormanaway

    February 9, 2021 at 1:15 am

    Your energy is drained cause you’re applying it in a way that doesn’t serve you. Who’s expectations… professionally, emotionally, personally… are you attempting to live up to? It’s emotionally unfulfilling and time to move on gracefully and don’t worry so much about any potential fallout. Focus on yourself and what foundations you would like to lay down in your own development. Once you determine what you want to build on, get cracking and continue to work towards mastery without consideration of what an imaginary audience (the collective “they”) might think.

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